Life is truly full of surprises. There’s no telling what will happen next. Everything’s just so unpredictable.
This is one good reason to always take your camera or your phone with you. Since you’ll never know what you’ll come across next, you need to be ready to take a photo of it- just in case no one believes your story.
Well, that’s exactly what the following people did. They were quick to take these weird photos to show everyone on the Internet!
1. Mirror, Mirror
It’s true. There is no possible way to see your own face unless you’re a ghost looking at your own body or something graphic happens. So, let’s just be glad we can’t see ourselves.
2. Cutting It Close
Just because you were born at the exact same time as someone, doesn’t mean you share a birthday. If you were born on December 1st in the USA, someone in Australia would be born on December 2nd that same day.
3. Hoot Hoot
That’s right, this is a shaved owl, not some prehistoric bird. He doesn’t look quite as wise, does he? It’s amazing what a good cut can do for a person…or fowl.
4. Just Look At It
Now you can’t unsee it. Your nose, it’s always there, and you just ignore it. Talk about observant. Does it make you wonder what else you are ignoring?
5. Howdy, Partner
So this is what it would look like if they didn’t put the walls up between stalls. It would be like a urinal party for number two. No one wants to see that.
6. Why Even Add Them?
There aren’t many words that only need one out of the five letters to make it sound the same. But Queue is one of those. So whoever invented this word is just trying to be fancy.
7. Just Try It
Every color that exists in your mind also exists in real life. You can try to create a new one, but it can already be created with Paint or Photoshop. It even has a name!
8. Earned His Stripes
You would assume that tigers have striped fur and plain skin. But as with most mammals, their skin matches their fur. Same with leopards and cheetahs!
9. Not Predator
It may look like this thing could swallow you whole and love doing so, but it’s actually just a turtle. Yep, this is what the inside of a turtle’s mouth looks like. Sweet dreams.
10. Bigger Than a Breadbox
Looking at a streetlight from down below makes it look about as big as one’s arm. But the truth is that it would be quite a struggle to even carry one by yourself.
11. My World is Upside Down
This guy has cracked the code. Jif upside down is still Jif. You know what we should flip over next? Everything. We must uncover every secret they try to keep from us.
12. Lend a Hand
Pretty sure that no one in the whole world knows where this hand is coming from. No matter how you look at it, you can’t make it make sense.
13. Vamped A Bit
This is what a heart looks like completely drained of blood. Meaning, that we all have pure hearts of white. Unless of course, you have a serious medical problem.
14. As Expected
Just like a juekbox, the Redbox machine is built on a wheel conveying discs to its users. But I bet you have never even stopped to imagine what the inside looks like.
15. Or Voorhees
This could mean anything, but was it really a coincidence that JASON is spelled out with the last five months of the year? I think not! Now you’ll never unsee it.
16. The Best Convention
In the US, we have conventions celebrating Asian culture. In Asia, it appears the tables have turned. They are celebrating the invention of Coca-Cola.
17. It’s Pregnant
How old were you when you found out that camping lighters are just regular lighters inside casing? You learn something new every day, don’t you?
18. Well, You Are
Every single breath you take for the next several seconds, or maybe even minutes, will be manual. Most of the time, you breathe automatically. Well, that’s about to change.
19. How Did It Come To This?
So, it would make a lot more sense if this said, “no food or drink.” But it doesn’t. It specified Oreos due to recent events. Now I’d like to know exactly what Oreo catastrophe happened.
20. I Caught a Spider Rat
This looks disgusting and creepy. But it’s actuallly just paint before it gets mixed. It’s amazing how we never see this type of thing unless we work at Home Depot.
21. That Little Switch
The same goes for your clock which always tells you the right time, even on the icon. But the flashlight is even more impressive because it’s so unnecessary. Thank you for this.
22. Everything is Coming Together
All these years of never realizing that you can make a corn on the cob with candy corn! Now I feel like there are so many mysteries in this world that I’ll never discover them all.
23. Simpler Than You Might Think
This is what happens when you hit a ball in one of the pockets of a pool table. Not quite the mystery you imagined as a kid, but satisfying all the same.
24. Fidget Caller
So, this fidget spinner is also a phone and now we’re all freaking out. At least it’s easy to charge. All you have to do is spin it and you’ll be at full battery life in no time.
25. We Don’t Ask Questions
You’re probably wondering how this pupper got stuck in a small fish tank like this. Well, is it true that a pup never outgrows his tank? Let’s hope so, the poor pupper.
26. You Never Know
Show of hands as to who knew where pineapples came from. Did you knw that they grew like this and the field looks inconspicuous while they sprout?
27. A Lot of Bread Ties
This needs little to no explanation because there is little to no explanation. Someone tied a whole loaf of bread on their head and we still have no idea why.
28. Only the High End Ones
The free bowling balls that you use at the bowling alley are pretty boring inside. But the nice ones, they are pretty amazing inside. Just look at this contraption!
29. Can You Feel It Now?
This Patrick never should have seen the light of day. Some sick, talented individual created it and will surely regret the way that he haunts the internet.
30. Actually, Kinda Cute
There’s something about ultrasounds that are rather precious. But what about when it comes to canines? Still sweet, though you may scratch your head wondering how they all fit.
31. That’s Illegal
I’m going to take a wild guess and say that surfing in a public fountain is illegal on so many levels. So this shot is incriminating evidence, burn it.
32. Recycled?
Since it would be rather foolish to color the inside of the golf balls, we’re gonna assume that they are recycled bouncy balls. Or are they color coded? Hmmm…
33. Merry Gothmas
They look like one happy family, do they not? Santa must have loved taking this picture and is sure to bring them all the Slipknot CDs and knee high combat boots that they want.
34. It Could Be 7:12
This is one crazy observation and now I’m going to try to see every single time on the clock next year. It’s a challenge that we all must strive to complete.
35. Now We Know
This is one you have probably actually wondered about. What is in the machine at the gas station? You press the button but you never knew what happened inside…until now.
36. She Got the Job
Maybe this would make more sense if she was in the ocean or river instead of a swamp or if the chair was pristine. But you know what, we don’t just, Swamp Thing.
37. Lunch is a Lie
When you think about it, this isn’t surprising. There needs to be room for the air to escape and the noodles to drop. But it’s still disappointing to see half the noodles you expected.
38 Nothing to See Here
We have no idea why this girl is in a fridge or what kind of blessed/cursed pendant she is holding. Is she a witch? Is she hiding from one? Are these graduation pictures?
39. There’s A Building Under There
This is what the ivy growing up the side of buildings looks like when it’s all torn down. It takes a whole team or construction trucks to move it due to the weight and size.
40. She Loves Them Double Stuffed
This is one crazy hairstyle and I kind of wish I could unsee it, no matter how immaculate it is. I bet she’s not even allowed in that library that banned Oreos.
41. Frog Leg, Anyone?
Let’s hope that this is fake because if it’s not, someone is getting sued big time. That is a frog leg in a popsicle and it’s not even fried. So no delicacies here!
42. Under the Grates
This is what is under the burners on your gas stove. So metal, right? Makes you want to use an electric one from now on because that is freaky.
43. Never Do This
Not sure if this is a tattoo or what but it should be banned from existence. The more you look at it, the more you love it and hate it. So please, look away before you fall in love.
44. So Simple
So, the fire alarm looks all cool and stuff, but there’s actually just a tiny little switch inside and the case is just to make it look appealing for teen pranksters.
45. Empty or Full?
This is one of those illusions that will keep you scratching your head for hours. Is this a full cup of coffee or an empty one? It’s half and half so far.
46. Say What Now?
So you’re saying that Squidward is an octopus even though his name is “Squidward?” Next you’ll be telling us that SpongeBob isn’t a sponge and that Sandy is an opossum.
47. Thank You, Mother
What a good mother that Mother Nature is for slicing our oranges for us. Now if only we could convince her to peel them too. But hey, at least the peel protects them.
48. We Were Never Meant to Know
Apparently, it gets hot in those suits because it’s time for a water break. If this is the first time you’re seeing the faces behind the legends, then I am so sorry for ruining your childhood.
49. This is Cursed
Here’s one of those cursed images that you just can’t stop looking at. I mean, he did do a really good job at and yes, that is Rhett from Good Mythical Morning.
50. Is It Though?
That is not what I mean when I say it, but is that the origin? Turns out, yes, it is one of the meanings of this phrase. After all, what holds the horses? The stable! So be one.
51. It’s All Fun and Games
Until you see his shoes, that is. Those shoes are on another level. A level that none of us will reach on this lifetime. I pray him many good fortunes and favors on his life.
52. What? That!
This is crazy! The great Ws can be answered with the great Ts, all this time and no one knew it. The English language is quite the conundrum that we will never understand in full.
53. I Trust Him
If you don’t trust this cop with your life then are you even a real human? Because he and his trusty unicorn steed have been fighting evil for centuries!
54. Yetis Only
So, these yetis are taking a tour of the city and no one else is invited. Makes you wonder if a yeti or a human is driving them. Maybe a fairy or an elf?
55. Toyota Camelry 2020
This camel is so chill sitting here waiting for his master to get back from grabbing a few snacks. Now who wants to go on a trip to wherever this is legal?
56. Not True!
Okay, it’s true, but that doesn’t mean that we’re not allowed to be angry about it. All this time, we’ve been making fake bar codes on scrap paper and thinking they could be read, but we were doing it all wrong.
57. And the Next Layer
Here is that outer layer between the die and the cast. Looks so simple yet you wonder exactly how it works. It is a toy that has existed since the 1950, so it can only be so complex.
58. Not a Missile
This is not a missile and is not nuclear. It’s actually just the entirety of a fire hydrant. It’s like Diglet from Pokemon all over again. Not recovering from this one anytime soon.
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