Siblings have a special and unique bond. They may find between each other, but they’ll stick for each other when someone bullies the other. They may not always express their love for one another, but it doesn’t mean that they love each other less.

This big brother bestowed the highest honor on his little brother as his act of love. The reaction was priceless!

Birthdays are always fun occasions. It’s a day where we celebrate the birth of a person and the passing of a year. Everyone has one and they are celebrated religiously from the very first to the last.
The celebration is usually attended by friends and family while games and meals are prepared. It is customary to bring gifts to the celebrants. However, it wasn’t always like this.
How did birthdays come to be?
The first written record about birthdays was from the Bible where it mentions the Pharaoh’s birthday. It was the Greek and Romans who gave us the tradition of presents, candles, and parties for birthdays. However, birthdays were still not celebrated.

There was even a time where birthdays were frowned upon. Imagine the time where someone tells you that birthdays are not allowed. It all changed during the Late Antiquity period where Christians begin to celebrate Jesus’s birth in December. They also began to celebrate various saints and their births and deaths.
Over time, people started celebrating the day of their own birth rather than the day of their saint’s birth.

As modernization spread throughout the centuries, so too did the idea of celebrating one’s birthday. Families had the means of tracking their children’s births. Hence, they began celebrating it with sweets such as cake and bestow gifts upon them.
Today, birthdays are a common celebration for people all over the globe.
Some traditions remain the same and we can witness it with this 12-year-old boy celebrating his birthday.

Ryan is a 12-year-old Brazilian boy who is celebrating his birthday at home with his family. Like any other 12-year-old boy, Ryan was excited to eat the delicious cake and share it with his family. His little brother, Antonio, stood beside him.

Antonio was equally excited to taste the sweet and delicious birthday. But, as part of their tradition, Ryan has to serve the first piece of birthday cake to the person they love the most. Everyone waited for Ryan to decide on who to give it to.
After pondering for a few seconds, Ryan gave the slice of cake to his little brother, Antonio.

Antonio is so touched and overwhelmed by his big brother’s action that he bursts into tears! It was so cute when Ryan hugged his brother to calm him down. We can definitely see the extent of Ryan’s love for Antonio.

Catch the adorable video of the two brothers in the video below!
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