Acts of Kindness
Best friends given 2% survival rate prove doctors wrong when they walk graduation stage together
These boys were given minimum chances of survival, yet here they are thriving!
Irene Markianou

When you realize you are pregnant all you can do is wish for your little bundle of joy to be healthy and nothing else.

Unsplash/ freestocks
Unsplash/ freestocks

But when you find out your baby will be born with a rare condition, then all you have to do is pray that it won’t affect their quality of life dramatically.

Most of all, you want them to able to live a happy life with all the restrictions that might come with it.

Sometimes, future parents decide they cannot assume this kind of responsibility and emotional and psychological burden, given that conditions that affect the brain mean the future child will require full-time attention for their whole life.

Unsplash/ Luna Pimentel
Unsplash/ Luna Pimentel

But in other cases, parents decide to bring these babies to the world no matter what their condition and needs will be, hoping that they will manage to be the best parents possible for them and give them a fulfilling life.

In certain cases, parents don’t even know they are carrying a baby with a rare condition, and they just have to take it one step at a time and follow the doctors’ guidelines hoping for the best.

Whatever the case, bringing up a child with special needs is undoubtedly challenging and demanding, and it requires lots of love, patience and determination. In other words, exactly the qualities Odin’s parents possessed that made them capable of bringing up their son in the best way possible.


As Odin’s dad posted on Reddit, when his son was born, doctors gave him a 2% chance of survival. They were convinced that, if he did, he would never walk and live in a vegetative state for the rest of his life.

“My son and his best friend, both told their survival rate would be around 2%, never walk, and live in a vegetative state if they made it past 7 years, both walked the stage and graduated tonight!!!”


Apparently, he was not the only one. Another baby’s parents at around the same time were told the same thing. But their kids, who later on became best friends, proved them all wrong! Not only have they survived to graduate school, but they can walk and live a happy life, albeit with some “special touches”.

So, a few weeks ago, Odin’s father, Tim Frost, posted about his son’s and his son’s friend’s journey and how proud he is of his “joy bringer” as he calls him.

At around the same time, it was Odin’s 18th birthday, which his parents had planned to celebrate with a large gathering of friends and family. However, due to the COVID-19 circumstances, their plans changed and had to celebrate online with their loved ones.


Still, there were lots of people on Facebook who wished Odin a happy birthday and congratulations on his graduation, while they also asked Tim if they could send a birthday card or gift to his boy.

The man was overwhelmed by all the love his son got and he highlighted how happy Odin is when his parents read to him all the wishes from various people around the world before he goes to bed.

The Uplift
The Uplift

We honestly admire these parents’ and these boys’ journeys so far and we wish they keep loving life with anything it brings along and living it to the fullest.

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