Anyone who has an infant in their home is no stranger to the fact that they love to copy what they see. It could be a word, a noise or a gesture, and a baby will make absolutely sure that it tries to copy it.
That’s exactly why we’re told to watch our language around little kids, evidently.
The extent that this can reach is even funnier, as we’re about to see.

With 21 million views, it’s also a stark reminder of how it’s impossible not to melt over puppies and babies. Not that we needed a reminder, of course.
What’s going on in this video, though? I’d wager the most hilarious conversation you’ll witness today. It seems a bit intense and loud, but it’s nothing serious.

Big disclaimer : you won’t understand a single word.
The speakers are no other than a Shorkie puppy and a baby. They’re having a bit of a conversation, as you can see. It seems like they’re having a little disagreement – at least, I think.

Sophie, the baby, seems to be “barking” back at the Shorkie, and presumably the Shorkie isn’t used to someone else (who’s not a dog) speaking his language.

That’s totally fair. If you’ve ever had to listen to a foreigner butcher the pronunciation on some of your language’s words, you’ll know what that’s like. I have enough trouble understanding Spanish and French, imagine if all you had to work with was barks and babbles.
At least the Shorkie, named Wicket, seems to understand some of Sophie’s responses.

Wicket is an interesting name for a Shorkie puppy, and it’s hard not to wonder if the name is inspired by the Ewok Wicket Warrick from Return of the Jedi. The resemblance is certainly there.
In fact, that’s a pretty appropriate name since that very Ewok had a few communication problems with Leia too. So this Wicket’s interaction with Sophie is strangely parallel to how Star Wars’ Wicket interacted with Princess Leia.

It’s like poetry. It rhymes.
Watching the video, it’s honestly hard to tell who’s more confused, Wicket or Sophie. The adults watching are having the time of their lives, though. Poor Wicket is quite confused, pouncing back and forth and moving his ears left and right.

Evidently, Sophie seems to be the one trying to copy the other. That explains why Wicket seems awfully confused while Sophie is grinning like a champ. She seems to have a completely different picture of the conversation from Wicket, assuming they’re even having the same conversation.
There’s even a point in the video where Wicket pauses for a bit as if to say, “….wait no”.

The whole video is a little over a minute, but what an intense and confusing 70 seconds it is. If only we had a translator or some subtitles. Closed captions aren’t really helping. In fact, the only hint we get is that Sophie is speaking “Cute baby language”.
Whatever this conversation was about, I hope they reached a mutual agreement. They’re both babies in this house, technically. I’m sure they’ll need each other for mutual support in the years to come.

And maybe when Sophie is older, she’ll have an easier time conveying her messages to Wicket.
Learning communication does take baby steps, and there are bound to be dog days for sure. But as long as your priority is common good and not winning the argument, everything should be fine.
Do you think you can decipher what these two are saying? You can play the video below if you think so. Don’t forget to give the share button a nice click too!
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