Being in the military is not an easy job. One has to be away from their family for a long time. It can be months or even years, depending on the call of duty.
Homesickness and tiresome drills can get the best of them if they don’t know how to have fun.
There is rigorous training that they need to go through each day to be ready whenever they need to fight for the nation and its people.

These soldiers mean business when it comes to abiding by the rules. They are serious in fulfilling their duties, even if it means risking their own lives just for the nation’s safety. But, if you think that they are quite tough and stern on their duties, you’re wrong.
They also know how to have some fun. The soldiers need a break from their stressful job and training.

So long as they do it at the right time and they are not breaking the rules, these brave men can be goofy. Here is a short clip of these courageous men who have done a hilarious line dance during the drill. This is something that you don’t often see among these individuals. But this video proves to us that they also know how to get rid of seriousness and be silly just because they want to.
Soldiers show their basic skills in dancing in a line dance.

The men line up in three columns. They are wearing their Army uniforms, and they are proud. The commander is beside them, leading the drill. He commands powerfully to make these groups of men obey his instructions. Though they are serious about following their commander in the drill, this can still somehow make you grin.
Looking at the video closely, you can see that these soldiers are in their base.

At the start of the clip, the men are marching. A little later, they are clapping their hands loudly.
They listen to their drill commander, who gives them instructions in a clear and loud voice to make sure that they do as he says. Everyone is doing the military cadence with a twist. They are doing it funnily and entertainingly.
The men show their obedience to their drill commander. When he shouts “snap both sides,” the soldiers do it immediately. They follow the command quickly, and they are even synchronized.

The hilarious army line dance
The drill commander chants,
“You’re a dynamite, you’re fit to fight, now let me see you lean to the left….”
The soldiers follow his command without hesitation. You can hear a loud “Whoop!” as they do what they are told.

Whatever the drill commander asks them to do, they enthusiastically obey, and they seem to be enjoying it. This is, for them, a fun activity that helps them get by each day.
The viewers on YouTube find this an incredible clip, and they appreciate it.
One has commented:
“I haven’t served, but I come from a military family. I think that was funny! Live a little when you can.”

The tradition of military cadence
The military cadence is a song that the soldiers sing loud and proud when they participate in the drill.
From what you can read on the U.S. Army website, these cadences are not just songs that you learn in the army, but there is a deeper meaning that you should know.
“Dating back to the Revolutionary War, the Army cadence has been an important tradition that has withstood the test of time. Used to motivate, inspire and keep the soldiers’ steps in time, cadences foster a cohesive company while at the same time handing down the rich oral traditions of the U.S. Army.”
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Besides keeping the soldiers alert and attentive, the cadences are also helpful in their breathing, such as when they are asked to run or march for extended periods.
The soldiers show their side of goofiness.
Toward the end of the video, the men have done something funny. When the drill commander instructs them to make Keanu Reeves’s signature move, they willingly followed, making the video even more hilarious.

An amused viewer gives a comment.
“I think it’s pretty awesome that our soldiers can have fun as well… I’m sure they know when it’s time to get down to business.”
Indeed, these soldiers know when to be serious. They mean business when they are prompted to be in that mood, especially if it calls for national security and order. But, allowing them to have some fun is also something that they deserve.

Check out their funny line dance that has amassed more than 700,000 views in the video below.
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