The Andy Griffith Show was broadcast on CBS Television from October 1960 to September 1968. It had a total of 249 episodes. One of the most enduring and influential shows in American television history, the series starred North Carolinian and University of North Carolina graduate Andy Griffith as Sheriff Andy Taylor of Mayberry, a fictional North Carolina town.

Most of the shows episodes focused on problems and misunderstandings among the community which would have Sheriff Andy resolving the disputes with his wit and wisdom.
One episode most young parents today should see is “Opie and the Spoiled Kid”.
This short five minute clip packs a lot of lessons most kids and adults today have forgotten.

Two boys, Arnold and Opie, meet where Opie admires Arnold’s new bike saying that he must have been saving up for the bicycle since he was a kid. Arnold simply says that his dad bought it for him.
He invites Opie to hop on for a ride but Taylor says he’s got to clean out the garage. It’s how he earns his money.
Arnold tells him that kids shouldn’t have to work for their allowance. He goes on to say that talking is a waste of time and that you have to take action. By action he meant rolling on the floor, kicking a table leg, and basically throwing tantrums.

The bratty Arnold is next seen riding his bike on the sidewalk. Deputy Barney Fife (Don Knotts) is caught by surprise and blows his whistle eventually giving the kid a warning. Arnold defies Barney who rides away and up again on the sidewalk.

Problem is he runs into Sheriff Andy. Barney comes along and narrates how he gave the kid a warning but refused to listen. Andy tells Barney to impound the bike. Arnold marches off telling the Sheriff that his father will hear about this.

The next scene has Opie walking in to the courthouse, defiantly telling his father that he doesn’t have to work for allowance, much to his father’s chagrin. Opie holds his breath looking rather ridiculous and begins to throw tantrums.
Andy is resilient, telling his son not to get dirty.

Arnold and his father walk in where Mr. Winkler heatedly confronts Sheriff Andy about impounding his son’s bike. Andy threatens to lock up Mr. Winkler if he will not take responsibility for his son’s actions.
“If we don’t teach children how to act in society today, how are they going to act when they grow up?” – Andy Taylor.

Arnold encourages his father to get locked up as he obviously cares more about his bike than his father. Mr. Winkler, suddenly confronted with the truth about his son, requests for the bike so he can sell it.

Arnold loses it. Andy tells Mr. Winkler that there is a “woodshed” behind the courthouse where he can continue his discussion with his son. Mr. Winkler nods in approval and agrees. Opie is obviously stunned and moved by what he witnessed.

Opie apologizes to his father and asks if there are any jobs he can do. Andy agrees and raises his son’s allowance from 25 to 27 cents.
This is an episode that should be for mandatory viewing. Adults and kids alike could benefit from this story.
Enjoy this classic and learn a thing or two below!
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