Saving another person or animal’s life has become second nature that when faced with the situation, we quickly jump right in to help them. Helping and rescuing a person’s life is such a beautiful aspect of our existence that it inspires many people to do the same. That’s why when a senior dog was caught drowning in a pool, one heroic Amazon driver quickly jumped in to save him.
The heroic Amazon driver

John Cassabria is an Amazon driver and an animal lover. He loves animals and he grew up surrounded by them. Currently, he owns four dogs, four cats, and a pet snake.
On a humid August day, Cassabria was delivering packages in Woburn, Massachusetts, when he heard an unusual noise.

“I’ve never heard anything like that in my life,” he told CNN. “I actually heard it over the reversing beep of my van.”
Quickly, Cassabria stopped his van and followed the noise.

Following the noise, it led him to a huge yard with a fence and a pool. Looking over, he found a heartbreaking sight.
“I saw what looked like a snout and at that moment my heart sank,” he said in an interview with WBZ-TV.
Quickly, he leaped over the fence and dove into the pool to save the poor dog that was struggling to stay above water.

“I jumped into the pool with everything on. Phone wallet watch. None of it mattered. I thought only of the dog at that moment,” he said.
Luka was a 14-year-old pup who had issues with his hind legs. Luckily, he was able to get him out of the pool.

The dog must have been lured by a bone that was caught in the pool’s vacuum cord. Since Luka was suffering from pains in his legs, he was unable to swim safely to shore. Thankfully, Cassabria was there to save him because he wouldn’t have lasted long in the pool.

“After he was out of the pool, he was very shook up, very scared,” Cassabria said in an interview with The Dodo. “He didn’t want me to leave his side. Every time I would go to get up, he would hit me with his paw or nudge me — so I stayed with him the entire time.”
Cassabria contacted the Woburn Police Department.
Luckily, one of the animal control officers knew the owners, so they immediately informed Julie Caldwell.
The distressing phone call

Caldwell was enjoying a weekend away when the police called her.
“I was enjoying my first cocktail at The Cape when my husband’s phone rang,” Caldwell told CNN. “It was the Woburn Police number.”
Caldwell was shocked.

She remembered to have locked the door and she had arranged for a neighbor to look after her dog while they were away.
“We have a doggie door and he’s used that doggie door for 15 summers,” said Caldwell. “He goes outside, goes right to the bathroom, and normally goes back in and stays in the air-conditioned house.”
The animal control officer informed Caldwell of Cassabria’s heroic efforts to save Luka.
Julie Caldwell of #Woburn has invited @amazon driver John Cassabria of #Lawrence over for dinner after he dove into the family’s pool to save their drowning 14 yr old arthritic husky named Luka. Luka got out the doggy door & fell in after the Caldwells left the house.
— Kim Tunnicliffe (@KimWBZ) August 28, 2020
Caldwell immediately called Cassabria and thanked him.
“I happened to be in the right moment at the right time,” Cassabria said to WBZ-TV. “I would repeat the same actions over and over if I had to.”
Watch the video below to see an interview with the Amazon hero!
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