Acts of Kindness
Cop Laughs When She Arrives After Toddler Calls 911
Aaliyah's 'emergency' was one the police officer couldn't help but laugh at!
Ryan Aliapoulios

When we’re little kids, our parents generally teach us not to call the police unless there’s an emergency.

Still, we’re not always 100% clear on what constitutes an emergency. We can agree on the most obvious examples. Let’s say, for instance, that someone was in the process of breaking into your house. That’s probably a good time to call the police! Still, what about if the stakes are a little bit lower?

This story is an example of what some might call a fashion emergency.

Two-year-old Aaliyah Garett was in the middle of a crisis.

As a result, she did what her mom had taught her to do and called for help. When dispatch picked up, he said hello several times without a clear answer—still, some sounds coming from a child could be heard in the background. Because the police have to respond to every 911 call no matter what the circumstances are, the police sent deputy Martha Lohnes over to the seen.

What Lohnes saw when she got there had her in hysterics.

As it turned out, little Aaliyah couldn’t get her pants on.

Though she had been home with her grandfather, she hd somehow pulled a fast one on him—and all the little girl had needed was help getting her pants and shoes on! Still, Officer Lohnes was a good sport about it and helped the girl as she’d requested. As it turns out, Lohnes was the perfect officer to be sent to the scene because she did some of the same things as a little girl:

“I would call 911 just because I wanted to see police officers show up at the house because I liked them so much.”

While calling 911 for a non-emergency might get some in trouble, in this case it got Aaliyah a great story.

Officer Lohnes and Aaliyah have remained in touch since the phone call. Aaliyah’s mother, Pebbles Ryan, says that as a result of everything, Aaliyah has “a new friend for life.” Although when the police are called it’s usually as a result of something serious or traumatic, this story is refreshing on all sides.

Lohnes’ deputy has also praised her response to the situation overall:

“You can’t train the heart, charisma or angle she took on this. We try to recruit those natural attributes.”

Here’s to Lohnes and little Aaliyah’s new friendship!

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