Women have a specific kind of humor that perfectly captures the idiosyncrasies of being a member of the fairer sex.
This comedic side is best exemplified by these hilarious tweets from ladies who are just sharing their everyday random thoughts and experiences as a woman.
Here are 75 of the most relatable and funniest things women have shared on the internet.
#1 Working mom woes
Being a mother is a job in itself, so when moms decide to work from home, the setup can lead to awkward moments like this. Hopefully, Maura’s bosses took things lightly and were understanding of her situation.

behindyourback via Twitter
#2 Supportive friend
Propping yourself up on bad days is tough, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do the same for your friends. Unfortunately, the results aren’t always the best. It’s the thought that counts, really.

ethiopienne via Twitter
#3 Height matters
Women today are smarter when it comes to dating. Some still have their weak moments, though, especially when it comes to tall men.

ashleyms030 via Twitter
#4 Politeness will do it
This is probably something every person who went to college can relate to. Sometimes you just have to put on your game face and do everything necessary to pass a class.

elliesisk via Twitter
#5 That’s the spirit!
A healthy dose of self-love is important and Isabel certainly knows that. Who else is always going hype you up but yourself?

lSABABE via Twitter
#6 Free will
Adults are just kids with money, and this dilemma is proof of it. Things can easily go overboard.

ethiopienne via Twitter
#7 Fooling nobody
We’re with Beth on this one. Surely, Steve from high school hasn’t gotten over their romance just yet. Fifteen years is not enough.

bourgeoisalien via Twitter
#8 Bold move
It’s a pretty bold move on Sarah’s part to be out here stealing a cab from an FBI special agent just like that. She better prepare to see Mulder and Scully on her doorstep soon.

ughsarahd via Twitter
#9 Double edged sword
Everyone has something to say. But not everything they have to say is nice.

aparnapkin via Twitter
#10 High as a kite
This is probably one of the trippiest photos we’ve seen. We wonder what the story behind this picture really is.

KimmyMonte via Twitter
#11 The complete package
Funny and handsome? That’s like the perfect package. Also, who knew Michael Scott would turn out to be such a silver fox?

GilkeAsCharged via Twitter
#12 Everybody’s got a beach body
Here’s a message every woman will approve of. You better stop stressing about getting that ‘beach body’ in magazines. The beach is going to get whatever body women give it.

rachelPLZdotcom via Twitter
#13 Attack of the clones
There’s nothing wrong with being basic. It’s still pretty hilarious seeing the concept in action though.

olddaffodil via Twitter
#14 All in one
Women can do everything all right. But we’re not so sure this is the best outfit to be in while doing so.

Ms_ZamaNdlovu via Twitter
#15 Avocados and hotness
Here’s a funny thing avocados and women have in common, according to Valerie.

ValeeGrrl via Twitter
#16 The necessities
Not every purse out there is a pristine oasis for some car keys and a few credit cards. Some of them are based in reality.

LizHackett via Twitter
#17 The perfect prom date
This is probably the best way to deal with and move on from a breakup. Now, Gabi will only have fond memories when she looks back on her prom night.

gabidunn99 via Twitter
#18 Donate or perish
Canadian Blood Services is getting desperate to attract people to donate blood, it seems. And they found the most awesomely threatening way to do so.

priya_ebooks via Twitter
#19 Thinking ahead
Hey, at least Jenny’s kid is an optimist, right? Here’s to hoping her son didn’t jinx their marriage by anticipating his two Christmases.

JennyPentland via Twitter
#20 The only names that matter
Can you really blame Yael, though? Most dogs are easier to deal with compared to their owners. No drama, just pats.

elle91 via Twitter
#21 The irony
Is there anything more frustrating than realizing your workout clothes are starting to fit tighter instead of the other way around? That’s like the telltale sign of a failed diet.

brokeymcpoverty via Twitter
#22 Being (un)dead is hard work
And not just that, being zombified slows you down making your walks even more excruciating. Gia’s got a good point.

GashleyMadison via Twitter
#23 Truest lyrics ever
We’re not sure Beyonce would approve of these new lyrics. But a lot of other ‘Pringle ladies’ around the world surely would.

tillygirl3 via Twitter
#24 Fill the void
Good news, everybody! Anna’s finally found the one thing that’ll fill that gaping void you have inside.

annabroges via Twitter
#25 A one-way thing
Even men can relate to these kinds of one-way phone calls with their moms. It’s something that most kids let slide, though.

SCbchbum via Twitter
#26 Adulthood is fun!
Adulthood sure has its perks and downsides. Sometimes, the negatives can outweigh the positives.

figgled via Twitter
#27 It’s payback time
Now, Lisa’s dog knows what it feels like to be covered in another person’s hair. Well, maybe ‘covered’ isn’t the right word. But you get the point.

lisaxy424 via Twitter
#28 Just messing around
Using a few scare tactics to get a kid to behave is pretty harmless. And they can be pretty hilarious too, as proven by Railynn and her antics.

Railynnnn via Twitter
#29 Smiling on the outside
Have to put on a show for the guests. You can always cry in your room later.

gotzerochill via Twitter
#30 Dark lunch
Now, this is something a lot of people, both men and women, can co-sign on. Sometimes, three meals a day just isn’t enough.

sadgirlkms via Twitter
#31 Snip, snip
This passenger should be thankful Stacey doesn’t have a pair of scissors handy at the time. She would’ve come off the plane with a new haircut.

DrStaceyPatton via Twitter
#32 The true horror of a dark screen
You never know when you’re going to be confronted with reality. It can happen anytime and usually does when you least expect it.

poorhunny via Twitter
#33 C’est la vie
So, this is basically what being an adult is like. Nobody signed up for it but we all have to follow the same rules.

AbbyHasIssues via Twitter
#34 Gee thanks, mom
You can always rely on moms to remind you exactly what you’re doing wrong or lacking in life. And they wonder why their kids won’t meet them anymore.

sixfootcandy via Twitter
#35 That light
There are moments when it feels like the universe just gets you. This is one of those moments.

BraPalvin19 via Twitter
#36 Target is the new Tinder
Aye, who needs to pay for overpriced drinks or scour through Tinder when they have a Target nearby? You get hit on and buy things you need. It’s a multitasking solution, really.

LeoBlakeCarter via Twitter
#37 Not a ‘real woman’
Oops, Aimee may have just blown her cover. Now, ‘real women’ everywhere are scrambling to hide their true identity.

Mimiification via Twitter
#38 A stronger password
If Superman isn’t strong enough, there’s always Wonder Woman. And as always, she’s taking on something men failed to do.

Eden_Eat via Twitter
#39 Hair goals
This dog’s hair is truly #goals! And Kerbie hit the nail right on the head. The pup’s locks do look like the trendy beachy wave hair everyone’s been rocking lately.

kerbiegibbs via Twitter
#40 At the right place, at the right time
Paige’s parents saw the perfect opportunity for a hilarious photo and they took it. Hopefully, she inherited her folks’ sense of humor, too.

paigealban23 via Twitter
#41 Fish are friends and shells are…
Flora here is really asking the serious questions. Has Disney offered us an explanation?

Flora__Flora via Twitter
#42 A big appetite
Meal prepping is a lie…when you’re always hungry. Beth learned this the hard way.

imteddybless via Twitter
#43 Not like the other girls
One of these girls is not like the others. One of these girls doesn’t belong. Can you spot which?

olddaffodil via Twitter
#44 How memories work
We have a theory that the doorframe is some kind of memory-erasing device installed by aliens to play with humans. Or, you know, the human memory is just flawed and that’s why we forget things.

AbbyHasIssues via Twitter
#45 Life hacks for single ladies
Need some affection but not in the mood to actually interact with people? Charlene’s got your back.

charstarlene via Twitter
#46 The secret to eternal youth
Annie might be onto something here. Smirking might just be the new botox.

HatfieldAnne via Twitter
#47 Big sister duties
Sometimes, you get all of your training as an adult before you actually get there. At least you’ll be awesome at it!

BeeBabs via Twitter
#48 Just chillin’
Sometimes women just feel the urge to get all dolled up even if they have nowhere important to go. Even legendary actress-singer Barbra Streisand can relate.

jillboard via Twitter
#49 Not her best day
You know you need a good night’s rest when even the crows are making a beeline for you. Hopefully, Mary was able to evade her crow stalker in the end.

DevoDupuy via Twitter
#50 No in between
A set of well-done nails can always make a simple outfit look put together. So, we totally get how Alicia feels.

LisLeary via Twitter
#51 A glitch in the matrix
Vanessa’s dog surely got the surprise of her life when she saw her doppelganger that day. Fortunately, it looks like they got along well.

missvanessadiaz via Twitter
#52 Keeping the spark alive
You know you found a keeper when they still make an effort to make you smile even after years of marriage. Her parents are total #relationshipgoals.

kasserolees via Twitter
#53 She got it from her momma
When your momma’s got attitude, you can’t help but internalize some of it. She certainly did.

chooses via Twitter
#54 Being an adult
Sometimes, you just have a realization. Sometimes that realization is about life.

AbbyHasIssues via Twitter
#55 The math
Then there are those moments when you’ve just had too long of a day. 46 weeks is almost a year, sort of, right?

SCbchbum via Twitter
#56 Routine cleanup
No receipts means it didn’t really happen, right? Right?

shadesof666 via Twitter
#57 A changed woman
We do applaud Kyle for her strong will in declining mimosas at brunch of all places. Now, about that nightly glass of wine…

kyry5 via Twitter
#58 The three genders of breakfast
Yup, no contest. The dish factory has spoken.There are three genders in the kitchen in the morning.

witch_mama_ via Twitter
#59 Bookworm woes
Seriously, who has the time to read books these days? But that won’t stop Amanda from buying new ones to add to her to-read list.

Manda_like_wine via Twitter
#60 Roadkill
Erin was probably conflicted about what to feel after realizing that she didn’t hit a rock, which could cause damage to her car, but ended up totaling her phone instead.It’s a good news-bad news situation.

eliopuloserin via Twitter
#61 Major turn off
Ooof…We have to agree with Abby on this one. Add to this the people who pronounce the ‘g’ in bologna.

AbbyHasIssues via Twitter
#62 The biggest Keanu fan
Oh sure, nothing at all suspicious to see here. It’s just a van filled with Speed VHS tapes because that’s totally normal in the 21st century.

emilyhughes via Twitter
#63 The only way to shop
This, we believe, is the only financially responsible way to shop online. Good deals are always out there; you just have to dig for them.

_TARYNitUP via Twitter
#64 Phone obsessed
Everyone can definitely relate to this one. People are obsessed with their phones and there’s no denying that. You’re probably reading this on your phone now.

AkilahObviously via Twitter
#65 Damage control
With a lot of bad things happening in the world, people need all the cute animal photos they can get to keep their sanity intact. Baby animals always do the trick.

aparnapkin via Twitter
#66 The ultimate harshest critic
Who would’ve thought Twitter would turn out to be the biggest canceling platform on the Internet? Gone are the days of random status updates and stream of consciousness posts.

msdanifernandez via Twitter
#67 Cursedimage.jpeg
Sandals may be the best things to wear during hot summer days but they aren’t faultless. Every girl has probably experienced this horrific thing at least once in their lives

olddaffodil via Twitter
#68 Kids these days…
Kids’ humor can be so literal. Want a brownie (brown-E)? You’ll get one, alright.

eveewing via Twitter
#69 Happens to the best of us
It looks like even model Chrissy Teigen gets those vivid food dreams. Hopefully, someone went shopping while she was resting.

chrissyteigen via Twitter
#70 Kid logic
Awww, isn’t Becky’s toddler the cutest? We wonder what they’re watching on YouTube.

beckyalbertalli via Twitter
#71 When life gives you lemons
See? Shauna gets it. This is the best thing to do when life hands you lemons.

goldengateblond via Twitter
#72 Pointing out the flaws in logic
When you see something so unrealistic that you just have to share it with the world. That budget isn’t real, is it?

ValeeGrrl via Twitter
#73 She’s got a point
Now, Bell here is asking the serious questions. And men are really out here trying to call out women and their harmless lashes.

bellbell____ via Twitter
#74 A dress’ best feature
You know you have a ride-or-die keeper dress when it’s got the best thing to ever be sewn on clothes: pockets!

behindyourback via Twitter
#75 Goldfish memory
We’re pretty sure something like this has happened to everyone. Have you ever started panicking about where your phone is while you were on a call with a friend USING your phone?

bad_dominicana via Twitter
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