Not all people are good with words and it also applies to texting. While you don’t exactly have to be a writing genius to craft a good text, you still need some common sense, at least. We’ve all had our share or text fails, though.

There are times when we’re just not in the mood, or in a hurry, so we end up sending texts that make little sense or just turn out outright embarrassing. Even worse, the autocorrect tool which is there to help us avoid pesky spelling and grammar mistakes totally betrays us and causes the very thing it ought to prevent: major text fails that make us blush.

It might be something as innocent as a grandma misusing the highly popular ‘lol’ acronym, to a super embarrassing typo in a text sent to your boss telling him you need him for quick sex instead of a quick sec. Just sit back, relax, and take a look at the list of 75 text fails that you’ll definitively want to avoid.