Being in school isn’t always exciting and fun. Come to think about it, we’ve only had fun when we were having our lunch breaks or when it’s time to go home so that we can hang with our friends.

However, looking back, we’ve spent most of our time inside classrooms, listening to boring lectures as we watch the minutes on the clock slowly pass by. This would be easy to bear so long as you listen intently to the teacher.

But if you’ve had let’s say a heavy lunch or didn’t sleep much last night then you’re in trouble.

Your eyes start to get heavy but of course, you can’t sleep during class. You tried showing enthusiasm to the lesson but it’s not working. So you decide to whip out your pencil and do one thing that most students do when they’re bored in class: draw.

Most of the time students will just doodle on their notebooks but that can be pretty boring too as soon as you run out of ideas. Then you realize that some of your textbooks have pictures in them.

Current and former students from all over shared the most creative and funniest doodles that they’ve drawn or seen on one of their textbooks at school. Here are the top 73 doodle picture list.