Often, the news is depressing. These days, with technology all around us, it’s impossible to avoid. We hear stories of climate change, poverty, war, and violence. So, it’s only natural that we sometimes feel depressed after seeing or reading the news.
All that stuff is important and we can’t ignore things going on in the world. But, there are times when we all just need a bit of good news to brighten the day.
Sure, bad things are going on in the world. But there are also a lot of wonderful things happening. Some of them are so big, they’re changes and improving lives. Others are small, and in fact, many people might even say they’re unimportant. But we know that to certain individuals, those seemingly insignificant actions mean a lot.
The late, great Fred Rogers used to say, “Look for the helpers.” Those are the people who lend a hand during times of tragedy. For people find themselves in terrible situations — those are the ones who know they can help. Mr. Rogers said there are always helpers, no matter how bad the situation.
Here are 70 wholesome pictures of helpers and others who make the world a better place.
1. Paramedics return to shovel the driveway of a man they took to the hospital
When a man had a heart attack shoveling his driveway, he was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance. After making sure he was in good hands, paramedics returned to his house to finish shoveling the driveway.
2. A professional ballerina shows girls in the inner city that they can achieve their dreams
Professional ballerina Aesha Ash decided to take a walk around inner-city Rochester. Because stereotypes persist about black women in the world of dance. she wanted to show inner-city girls that they too could become dancers.
When an elderly gentleman spotted a young man struggling to fix his tie in the subway station, he was happy to lend a hand. Even though they didn’t know one another, he helped the young man look his best.
4. A Dublin man on a pension makes food for the homeless
This man’s name is Brian and he lives in Dublin. On a pension, money’s tight. Nevertheless, he spends every night making curry for local homeless people, spending his limited money on the necessary ingredients.
5. When you turn 100 in Barbados, they use your image on a stamp
In Barbados, they have an amazing way of honoring the men and women who become centenarians. They use their image on a stamp. That way, everyone can commemorate their huge achievement.
A man started to get creative with the way he fed the birds every morning. Why? Because he knew his wife would look out the window and spot his “message” to her.
When these garbagemen passed a playground on their route, they decided to stop for a few minutes. They were spotted enjoying the swings before hopping back on the truck.
A man was talking to his wife on the phone and smiling at his screen. But it wasn’t because it was a video call — it just filled him with happiness to see her name on his phone.
9. “Don’t worry, little guy — I’ll get you some help”
A man was spotted in a local cafe with a small wild bird perched on his hand. Since the bird was injured, he was searching for local vets who could get his feathered friend some help.
When a pianist had a note slipped under his apartment door, he assumed it would be an irate demand for him to quiet down. Instead, it was a request for a song. He was happy to oblige.
Several years after having their wallet stolen, an individual received these bills and this note. The pickpocket apologized for stealing their money and returned it, explaining they’d become clean and changed their life.
It’s easy to overlook the little people in society, like the janitors. The janitor at one high school was known for his love of “The Red Hot Chili Peppers.” So, all the students bought him tickets for a local show.
When a young woman graduated high school, she made sure to invite one man who’d made it possible — a firefighter. He rescued her from her crib during a fire almost 18 years earlier.
Homelessness and hunger are problems that most of us will never have to face. One business owner was saddened by the sight of someone driven to searching the garbage for food. They were happy to give them a free meal in a comfortable place.
15. He wasn’t about to forget what they’d done for him
A Syrian immigrant knew just how much he owed to the people of Germany who’d welcomed him with open arms. He decided to take the straightforward route and give something back to the community.
16. Who could have guessed so much good could come from a wrong number text?
When one person tried to text their mom but had the wrong number, they never knew the good that would follow. It wasn’t enough to change this mom’s sadness, but it did make her Christmas a little brighter.
Other passengers were wondering what he was holding…so, he showed them what was accompanying him. He’d taken so much care to wrap up the tiny kitty and keep it warm.
A mariachi band was performing in a restaurant. But a little boy who was hard of hearing couldn’t enjoy the music. One of the musicians let him put his head on his instrument so he could hear, too.
When one man was young, he longed for a Charizard lunchbox, but his family couldn’t afford it. Many years later, his wife found one listed on eBay and bought it for him.
While traveling on a bus, a man with special needs needed help. So, he reached out for a fellow passenger’s hand. He was happy to hold hands until the man got to his stop.
Most of us wouldn’t be able to coax a wild bird to come to us, but this man has a special gift. The bird looks completely comfortable in his hand, even while on a crowded bus.
This is Caleb who has a degree in zoology. His love for wildlife comes out as he fills orders. During those times, he chats with customers about their favorite animals and shares fun facts.
After a Canadian mosque was vandalized with racist slurs, the neighborhood banded together. They erased the vandalism and replaced it with signs of welcome and love.
A man was spotted taking care of his elderly mother who was no longer able to walk or feed herself. He knew she did the same for him when he was a baby.
Unfortunately, many parts of the United States, including Texas, aren’t known for being hospitable to non-white, non-English-speaking residents. But this Texas man decided to stand outside a mosque with a message for his Muslim brothers and sisters.
Restaurants commonly waste an enormous amount of food, throwing extra ingredients and scraps in the dumpster. But this cafe puts its leftovers burritos on the windowsill for anyone who needs a free meal.
A man wasn’t able to finish high because he was drafted during World War II. At the age of 98, he finally got his diploma. The look on his face says it all.
During a huge snowfall in Chicago, this man put out an SOS for volunteers to shovel the driveways of elderly residents. He asked for 10 people but instead, he got dozens of responses.
Taxi drivers work long hours and often don’t get paid very well. One taxi driver had a keychain hanging from his steering wheel to remind him of what it was all about.
During an elementary school’s giving tree, one class sponsored a child who asked for a bike. But even after pooling their money, they didn’t have enough. Then one student brought in their bike to give to the child in need.
Having cancer as a child is unimaginable for most of us. This little girl was battling leukemia when her mom took her to an arcade for the day. She came away with quite the haul.
One couple regularly visited a particular restaurant. But the wife was disabled and couldn’t feed herself. To make sure she and her husband could enjoy a hot meal together, one employee offered to feed her.
A volunteer visited a nursing home and dropped off some cookies. There, she met Mrs. Posey, who was 112 years old. The aide told her she hadn’t had a visitor in three years.
35. The look on her face could melt a heart of ice
Foster care can be a long and difficult path. There are many hoops to jump through as part of the adoption process. This little girl was overjoyed when her adoption day finally arrived.
A horse was enjoying his bucket of feed but noticed a nearby flock of birds looking for food, too. He happily dumped feed on the ground to share with them.
Here’s something to melt your heart: the sight of a 92-year-old man making a card for his wife. He’s concentrating hard to make sure every detail is perfect. She’s a lucky lady.
Christmas is a wonderful holiday, but it can be stressful and lonely for people who don’t have the things they need. A local man decorates this tree each year with gifts, especially coats, hats, and shoes.
39. This is how we should all treat student’s with children
Going to college when you have a child can be extremely challenging. One student’s babysitter didn’t show up so she had to take her four-month-old daughter to class. The professor took the infant when she got fussy and carried her around as he taught.
Two local shop owners wanted to make sure no one was isolated and lonely on Christmas Day. So, they decided to open their shop just to offer camaraderie.
Occasionally, a dad let his child use his phone to play games. He still had his late father’s contact number and discovered the kids had been leaving him some love notes.
Some people read or play on their phones during a bus ride, but not this lady. She noticed the seat was in a bad state of disrepair. That’s when she pulled out her sewing kit and stitched it up before she reached her stop.
When Hiroshima was hit by the atomic bomb; one particular boy was only 10 years old. In the aftermath, he ate sparrows to avoid starving. Now as a grown man, he feeds them every day as a way of showing his gratitude.
During a sweltering 103-degree day, two little girls were on the lookout for their garbage truck. Why? They wanted to run out to give the workers a couple of ice-cold Gatorades to keep them hydrated.
A 22-year-old man made friends with an 81-year-old woman on the game “Words with Friends.” After playing many games together, they started chatting and then finally met in person.
A little boy in a superhero cape zipped his way through the crowds, yelling, “I just beat cancer!” After such a long and difficult battle, his joy brought a tear to everyone’s eye.
Every year, a married couple reenacts their first date: dad puts on his letterman jacket, rings the doorbell, and asks, “Is Kris home?” Then they go out, just like they did 44 years ago.
An old man in Turkey was spotted on a bus but with an unusual traveling companion. It didn’t matter to them if people stared — they were just happy to be together.
If you’re wondering “Is that Bill Murray?” — yes, it is. The actor and comedian decided to do a good deed by buying out a blues concert and then passing out free tickets at the door.
Who said there was an age limit on having fun at the waterpark? A dad wanted to take his boys out for some summer fun and did they ever have a blast — even though they were 24.
An elderly man was in the hospital for an extended stay. He was finally moved to a room with a window. So, his grandchildren decided to leave him a morning message right where he’d be sure to see it.
Two siblings sound a gavel together to mark the finalization of the little boy’s adoption. They’re now officially siblings, and the joy on their faces is palpable.
A pile of blankets used by the local homeless community had grown dirty and left in a pile at the park. A kind stranger laundered, folded, and returned them to this bench.
“Bagel Jesus” is an odd nickname, but it fits perfectly. A man goes around every evening with the leftover bagels from his workplace, handing them out to hungry people living on the streets.
During massive power outages, Lowe’s completely sold out of generators. One woman was in a panic since her father was on oxygen and relied on power. As an act of kindness, a total stranger offered to give her his generator.
Going on business trips when you have a family can be lonely. A parent traveling for business found their child’s beloved Dumbo toy in their suitcase. It kept them from feeling sad that night.
This sweet dog’s favorite toy was her Santa doll. So, her owners decided to take her to the mall to meet the man himself. You can feel her excitement in every strand of fur.
A grandson asked his grandfather why he wasn’t sitting in his computer chair, which was occupied by the cat. After all, he could just push her off. He said, “Well, I don’t want her to hate me.”
61. They might have homes, but they’re still loved
Stray dogs in Istanbul are adored by everyone. They’re lavished with love and given treats, meals, and even blankets. They don’t have homes, but they’re surrounded by friends.
An elderly man was enjoying an ice cream with his wife who wasn’t able to feed herself. Undeterred, he got out of the car and sat down beside her so she could enjoy her ice cream.
For 14 years, a taxi driver drove people to Ferrari World in Abu Dhabi even though he’d never gone himself. Instead of having him wait, his customer invited him to come in and enjoy the rides. The first roller coaster he rode was one of the fastest in the world.
Who doesn’t love encountering a surprise dog in a store? Especially if that dog’s stubbornly lazy and has a special basket for all-day naps. I want to pet Wafer. I want to be Wafer.
Residents in senior living centers have lots of activities to help them make friends and feel young again. One grandma even got all dolled up to enjoy the nursing home prom night.
Dogs love taking rides, but going on a train is in a league of its own. This dog was psyched at all the new friends. So, she started walking up and down the aisles to get extra pets.
A man went to a sports game expecting to, well, enjoy a game. Instead, he made a new furry friend that ended up coming home with him. He even comforted the tiny creature in the noise of the crowd.
It’s a bummer to have your favorite shirt shrink in the wash. But it’s not so bad if it turns out it fits your dog perfectly. If you can’t have it, at least he can.
When a little boy needed surgery on his leg, he brought along his stuffed wolf. It just so happened, it had a tear on its leg, too. The surgeon was happy to stitch them both up together.
70 wholesome pictures that’ll make you smile from ear to ear
Cedric Jackson
Often, the news is depressing. These days, with technology all around us, it’s impossible to avoid. We hear stories of climate change, poverty, war, and violence. So, it’s only natural that we sometimes feel depressed after seeing or reading the news.
All that stuff is important and we can’t ignore things going on in the world. But, there are times when we all just need a bit of good news to brighten the day.
Sure, bad things are going on in the world. But there are also a lot of wonderful things happening. Some of them are so big, they’re changes and improving lives. Others are small, and in fact, many people might even say they’re unimportant. But we know that to certain individuals, those seemingly insignificant actions mean a lot.
The late, great Fred Rogers used to say, “Look for the helpers.” Those are the people who lend a hand during times of tragedy. For people find themselves in terrible situations — those are the ones who know they can help. Mr. Rogers said there are always helpers, no matter how bad the situation.
Here are 70 wholesome pictures of helpers and others who make the world a better place.