At 69 years old, Annette, a Sugar City, Idaho, resident, still has to work to make ends meet.

The woman lost her husband suddenly about 17 years ago. At the time, he was the breadwinner working as a high school teacher.
Then, a heartbroken and financially struggling Annette had to find a job in order to earn money.
She has been working as an elementary school aide, and, according to those who know her personally, she must be the kindest and sweetest person out there.

Annette is as frugal as one can be- she doesn’t even have a cell phone, but still, she has a hard time as far as her finances are concerned.
On top of everything, she was diagnosed with cancer 18 months ago. She did undergo surgery, and now she’s trying to keep it at bay.
But Annette has some expenses that make her struggle even more. Her car has been having mechanical problems lately, and it seems it won’t last long.

The car was donated to her about nine years ago by her neighbors, but now it just seemed she’d soon need to buy a new one.
Thankfully, secret Santa is around, and Annette’s story touched him so much that he decided to give her a huge surprise.
Secret Santa, an unknown person who spends $1 million every year to help deserving people in eastern Idaho, decided to buy a brand new car for Annette.

The secret Santa’s elves, aka the East Idaho News team, was to bring the gift to her and capture her reaction on video.
Well, their mission didn’t start well, since they didn’t find Annette at home.
When they asked her neighbors, they were told she was still at work, so the elves decided to drive all the way to the school where she works to surprise her there.

No luck there, either. Annette was nowhere to be found.
The ladies in the kitchen told them that she would be going to have a tire changed, so they ended up calling all the tire stores around.
When they couldn’t track her down, they decided to take a look at her house again, and that’s when they saw her parking her car.

She was shocked to realize the cameras and reporters were all there for her, and she was even more surprised when they told her they had a gift for her.
First, they gave her a $1,000 check. The woman started sobbing. She couldn’t believe someone was so generous to do this for her.
She kept repeating how grateful she was, until the team presented her with the second present: the car key.

The woman had to stop and calm down because the present was just too much for her.
She kept saying that she “doesn’t deserve it” and that there are other people who need it more than her.
Later on, she revealed that she had had a terrible week including the death of a loved one, so this surprise was just what she needed to lift her spirit up.

The sweet lady didn’t forget to tell Secret Santa how grateful she was and to hug his elves.
Watch Annette’s reaction in the video below.
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