Many people out there are still looking for someone to date. We can’t deny that it’s not easy because it’s not just for fun. It’s something that can affect your life big time.
If you have tried to use online dating apps, you would see different people with different personalities and preferences. There are also some people who chose to openly share something personal about themselves – which is quite hard to do.
Amazingly, there are also people who have composed hilarious descriptions of themselves. These hilarious ‘bios’ would surely capture the interest of many people.
1. Tinder is the place for low, low standards.
If you don’t have a long list of requirements, swipe right on Becca, the previous girl on this list. If you’re worried no one will ever love you because of your dark and complicated past, shoot Taylor a private message. Tinder is the place where the unlovable come to mate, apparently.
She really wants to be apart of the family.
One of the most annoying things online is when people ignore the basic rules of spelling, punctuation, and grammar. You don’t have to worry about that with this girl. She’s learned those commas, and she knows how to use them. It’s always nice to meet an educated person on the internet!
This guy’s reason why he wanted someone to date him is valid, right? I hope that he would find that woman who’s perfect for him.
5. So, who wants to explain Tinder to Grandpa?
Apparently, some of the nuances of life as a millennial have escaped this helpful grandparent. On the other hand, his granddaughter Cheri is very pretty and clearly has a supportive family. Check and check for anyone looking for a long-term relationship. Maybe you can take Grandpa under your wing and teach him about the internet.
6. That’s what friends are for.
Look, it’s pretty simple: You go out with Bailey, you two enjoy yourself, and her roommate gets to watch her Netflix shows. Everyone wins. Besides, she seems like a great catch. Maybe the two of you could go dancing or walk a dog on the beach. No one needs to know how you two met.
7. Well, that’s one day to get people interested.
Maybe this girl knew that she might as well lay all her cards on the table right away. Or maybe she was just stumped by the prospect of writing a bio? On the other hand, perhaps she’s trying to use reverse psychology. At least she has a cute stuffed animal collection.
She comes alive at night.
9. Maybe this is a version of “catch them off guard?”
Hey, this lady has a lot of attractive qualities! Her Tinder bio is certainly eye-catching. She enjoys culture and travel, has a great sense of humor, and loves to laugh. But any man who starts to date her should be prepared to also take on … her love of pranks, apparently.
10. Skip the hard sell and go straight to begging.
Desperate times call for desperate measures. Lay all your cards out on the table, don’t discuss any of your flaws, and resort to raw pleas for mercy. After all, you could do worse than a girl with a skincare regime who knows when she’s been beaten. Just make sure you don’t have Ebola.
11. This girl understands the importance of a good review.
If a picture of you in a cocktail dress and gloves drinking wine against your kitchen counter doesn’t draw attention, what will? How about a verified five-star review? Well, these are almost definitely not verified, but if we can take her word for it, she has a fairly good track record.
12. Well, she’s honest about her limitations.
This girl definitely isn’t beating around the bush. This might not be her first time on Tinder, and she knows what some people are looking for. And she wants them to lower those standards just a little bit. Aside from this very specific bit of information, she’s not divulging anything else — so you’ll have to wait and see.
13. You’ll never starve with this girl. Or … wait, actually, you might.
She’s probably an amazing cook, which is always a good thing to find in a date. You just might not ever actually get to the actual meal. She enjoys eating, possibly more than feeding people. So, maybe it would be better for the two of you to hit up a restaurant.
14. Well, that seems a little shallow …. oh.
If there was ever a time to say, “You, me, and everyone else in the world, buddy,” this guy’s Tinder profile is probably it. At least he’s being straightforward about his past relationships right from the get-go. Maybe a coffee date isn’t the best choice for this young man, though.
She’s very straightforward and very honest with what she’s looking for.
16. I don’t see anything wrong here.
You call this girl a loser; I definitely call her a winner. She has a Netflix account and shares the password. She can probably make a career with the ability to eat that number of chicken nuggets. And she can perform the classic party trick? Her bio might list pros and cons, but I’m not seeing any downsides here.
17. Mr. Tickles of the world, get over to Tinder now.
If you’ve always been frustrated about being saddled with the awkward last name of Tickle, make your way over to Tinder and swipe right on this woman. If you’re still hesitant, just look at her taste in clothes and her ability to drink two cocktails at once. What else can you really ask for?
18. That got really dark really fast.
Nothing like unloading all your darkest childhood memories to strangers on the internet. Maybe he’s hoping that if no one wants to swipe right based on his looks, they’ll do it out of pity. Or maybe he’s trying to get the deep stuff out of the way right from the get-go.
19. This doesn’t seem like the best strategy.
He wants to meet people, but he also really doesn’t want to meet people. Either way, he’s got a strategy for both options. Maybe try to connect on Tinder instead of trying to go to his house in person. Something about his bio suggests he doesn’t enjoy meeting new people in person.
20. There’s nothing like disclosing a disability with a bit of historically accurate humor.
When it comes to telling someone you’re blind, you have a couple options. You can avoid the subject until it comes up on your first date. You can go ahead and say it plainly, so it’s out in the open. Or you can make a joke about Nazis. This Tinder user chose two out of the three options.
21. Get a girl who can do both.
She’s awfully confident in her abilities, both personally and professionally. But confident people are attractive, so that’s appealing. And there’s no denying those are useful skills. And hey, she’s also a career woman — there’s a third mark in her favor. Basically, there are no drawbacks to swiping right here, right?
Maybe this girl’s strategy is to interest people enough to want to hear the rest of the story. Maybe she considers that the most interesting fact about herself. Either way … we’re kind of hoping that she’s doing better these days. On the other hand, that truck clearly didn’t diminish her lust for life.
23. Is this reassuring or terrifying?
He’s trying to look handsome and protective, right? Like he’ll save you from any muggers that come after your purse on your date night. And hey, he’s open to dating people with a strong dislike of cops. Chalk one up for putting aside political differences. Or maybe this is just unnerving.
24. She knows you have one question on your mind.
Sorry, you actually have two questions on your mind. The first one she very helpfully answers right there in her Tinder bio. The other one requires a date — or at least a private message — to answer. That one is, “What were your parents thinking?” With any luck, she’ll be willing to let you know.
25. Swipe right on this man immediately.
Any man who crafts such an amazing Tinder bio is worth connecting with immediately. Not only does he perfectly emulate that Old Spice commercial, but he also promises you free pizza with the topping of your choice and a dog of your very own. And he has a degree? The man knows his way to a woman’s heart.
26. This one requires references.
Let’s be honest; this one could be the start of a classic romantic comedy. Of course, you better make sure that you’re up-to-date on wedding etiquette first. Collate those pages, check all your sources, and double-check your references. You should wait to pass to the interview round before you buy an outfit for the wedding.
27. Well, this one is short and sweet.
But let’s be honest, do we really need anything else? He’s a handsome guy who takes the time to take silly photos with his dog. I think we’ve seen everything we need to see here. Swipe right immediately. Also, make sure he brings that dog along to your first date.
28. Oh no. Oh no, no, no, no.
Let’s be clear: Do not swipe right on this girl. She’s not here looking for a good time. She’s here on a mission. Why do I have the feeling that mission has something to do with the picture on the mantelpiece and the baby shower photo in her profile picture?
29. My mother told me girls like these don’t come around often.
This girl isn’t on Tinder to play around. She wants to find a real, committed relationship. And she’s willing to spell out exactly what that means to her. At least you know exactly what her criteria are at the start of the relationship. To be clear, though: Individuals with IBS need not apply.
Some people have a long list of what they want in a significant other. Must love dogs; must love walks on the beach; or tall, dark, and handsome. Becca, on the other hand, isn’t aiming for someone with a long list. If your criteria for a significant other is “not diseased and wears hot dog costumes,” swipe right.
31. This didn’t go the direction I expected.
This girl is apparently capitalizing on the fact that when it comes to internet dating, everyone is just a little worried that they’re going to get murdered. But hey, look on the bright side! If you’re brave enough to swipe right, you’ll be in for a night you’ll never forget.
32. He cares about his civic duty.
In search of: patriotic Americans. Don’t apply if you’re interested in dating, hooking up, or a long-term relationship … unless it’s with the voting booth. No bones about it, this is a man with exactly one thing on his mind: your duty to your country. He’s heard it gets ladies in the mood.
33. Nothing to hide here.
This girl is confident in her body, which is an attractive thing. And by that, we mean she’s very open about her bodily functions. Also, if you weren’t sure which one was her in the picture, she’s added some helpful tips to give you a hand. It’s the one with the face.
34. Also, he’s the assistant to the regional manager.
I think it’s reasonable to assume that this man has had dozens of women swipe right on his Tinder bio. After all, he’s smart, self-reliant, skilled, gainfully employed, and in the market for a family. Everyone comes with a little bit of baggage, right? Bear in mind: He’s not a fan of practical jokes.
35. Turning physical challenges into advantages.
This gorgeous lady has some clear expectations of what’s going to go down on her first Tinder date. If her looks don’t attract some right swipes, then her bio certainly will. Unless, of course, the guy in question isn’t a Chris Pratt impersonator who wants to shower her with gifts and money.
36. Long walks on the beach.
Oh man, this guy is certainly desperate.
Jesus, it’s jesus. His profile is quite witty and funny, and he actually looks the part.
If you like bad girls, then she’s the one for you.
I think she comes as a pair. You can’t just date her; you have to also date her cat, too.
I’ll be honest… I burst out laughing when I read this description. It’s pretty hilarious.
41. Not scared of long term commitment.
This one is a bit morbid, but I guess she’s making the most of her situation.
42. That’s either a clever “Hamilton” reference or the world’s best icebreaker.
People with disabilities — especially obvious physical ones — probably know that daily interactions get awkward. Able-bodied people don’t always know how to interact with them without being weird. Apparently, this girl has found that the best way to break the ice is to tackle it with humor. She’s funny, and she’s cute, too.
43. Looking for a boyfriend.
Don’t swipe right on her. She’s just looking for someone she knows.
44. This girl loves danger. Or, at least, spy movies.
No one said that internet dating was safe. Apparently, anyone who takes on this young lady needs to be ready to follow a highly complex set of rules, risking their life all the while. Or maybe they just need to schedule a viewing of a classic James Bond movie. It’s one or the other.
I wonder how this photo was taken.
46. His skin must be extra smooth.
Well, this guy’s strategy appears to be: If you can’t rely on your good looks, at least get them to look twice. Dave is banking on the old adage of “sex sells,” getting people to look twice at women in their underwear. Of course, that’s assuming his name really is Dave.
47. What came first – the chicken or the egg?
She figured out the answer to a question that no one could answer.
48. You’ll be the better looking one.
He’s laying it all out there.
49. Never walking out on you.
Once again, another person making the most of his situation.
How rough is too much though?
51. Linda is also incredibly good at putting together slideshows.
If there ever was a straight sell on Tinder, this is it. Linda has decided the best way to go about scoring a date is to lay all her cards out on the table and make sure everyone knows she has marketable skills. If she finds a guy with the patience to look through all this information, sparks are sure to fly.
52. The earlier the better
If you’re a woman, you can take this hack from Amelie. It’s undoubtedly clever, isn’t it?
Please SHARE this with your friends and family.
Many people out there are still looking for someone to date. We can’t deny that it’s not easy because it’s not just for fun. It’s something that can affect your life big time.
If you have tried to use online dating apps, you would see different people with different personalities and preferences. There are also some people who chose to openly share something personal about themselves – which is quite hard to do.
Amazingly, there are also people who have composed hilarious descriptions of themselves. These hilarious ‘bios’ would surely capture the interest of many people.