Wolf lets out ‘mesmerizing’ howl and 50 other wolves howl back
This feels like a scene from a movie, so beautiful.
Jenny Brown

Wolf howls are always incredible to hear. They’re beautiful, but there’s an eerie quality to them too. And while hearing one wolf howl is incredible, it’s even more amazing to hear a whole herd.

That’s what one video shows.

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Meet Zephyr.

Zephyr is a gray wolf who lives at the Wolf Conservation Center (WCC) in South Salem, New York. He’s “captive-born” and has called the facility his home since he was a month old.

Along with his two siblings, Zephyr is an ambassador wolf at WCC.

The organization tries to clear up misconceptions about wolves, which according to their website, have a long history of being “demonized.” The ambassador trio “[helps] open the door to understanding what wolves really are,” inspiring people on-site and through live webcams.

“The WCC promotes wolf conservation by teaching about wolves, their relationship to the environment and the human role in protecting their future.”

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The WCC’s YouTube channel is filled with videos focused on the stunning, four-legged creatures. However, this is one that’s racked up over a million views.

Zephyr can be seen resting on a blanket of snow, surrounded by nature. It was filmed in the winter at their facility.

A few seconds in, the gray wolf puts his head back and lets out a long howl. While the sound is enchanting on its own, just listen close… Another wolf can be heard in the distance as if he’s responding back.

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Zephyr howls again and that’s when the wolf sounds come flooding in.

Suddenly, a mixture of howls from numerous wolves can be heard. It’s amazing to listen to, especially with headphones.

He’s not done yet. Zephyr peacefully listens to the others, then howls a third time. While it was once a very quiet setting, it’s as if he’s awoken an orchestra of wolves!

One viewer commented: “The background noise almost sounds like kids playing at a playground.”

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When it comes to why wolves howl back, North American Nature explains:

“Wolves use their howl as a means of communication. Howls can be used to reassemble the pack, warn intruders away, identify other wolves, and claim their territory. Other wolves, either from the same pack or other packs, will howl back, although the exact reasons may never be known.”

Pixabay/Mila Kusmenko
Pixabay/Mila Kusmenko

The video is called “Wolf’s Sweet Voice Inspires 50 Wolves to Howl” and it’s earned over 61K likes!

Eventually, another one of the ambassador wolves walks by in the background past his sibling. While we can’t tell what the wolf is thinking, a YouTube user hilariously suggested:

“The other wolf says ‘see what you have started, now the kids are awake.'”

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Someone else wrote:

“Most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard or seen! I have literally loved wolves all my life!๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•”

According to the WCC website, Zephyr has the natural ability to please a crowd, which is what he does during their educational programs.

He’ll happily howl with the tiniest bit of prompting and he’s gathered tons of fans. Simply watching him in this clip, it’s easy to see why!

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It’s wonderful to listen to these wolves, and it’s great that they’re in a sanctuary where they’re safe to roam with their herd.

Check out the video below!

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