Being straightforward isn’t always easy. In fact, there are people who choose to avoid confrontation entirely. However, there’s a third option that some have made into an art form: being passive-aggressive.
Even if they think they’re being subtle, it doesn’t go unnoticed. People have been sharing some of the best examples they have come across.
Here are the greatest ones we have found:
Passive-aggressiveness has a few key indicators. This is one of them.
This is also another key indicator. In this case, one that’s heavy on the ketchup.
Many of us have tried to come up with memorable wifi names over the years. This person takes it to a different level.
All that aggression needs to be funneled into something. It can almost become a work of art.
#5 When they tell you what they really think
Even Facebook has perfected the art of being passive-aggressive. They may have just crushed this guy’s dreams of ever being an excellent guitarist.
A passive-aggressive comment is meant to say something negative about the person (or people) it’s aimed at. This one lacks the art of subtlety.
If you must do something, do it well. This passive-aggressive car owner knows what we’re talking about.
#8 Stay between the lines
They could have kept it short and sweet and just said to park between the lines. We get the feeling that this was somehow much more satisfying.
#9 What the gym really thinks
This gym found the passive-aggressive key to getting people to put back their weights. Suggest they might be a weakling if they can’t.
The woman who wrote this is clearly about one step away from losing it and setting the bag on fire on the neighbor’s porch. Hopefully, the dog-owning neighbors take this passive-aggressive warning seriously.
Ah, the passive-aggressive apology. We suggest backing up before the road rage takes over and they hit the brakes.
#12 Even god doesn’t want to know
Did you think that you were free from judgment in the confessional? Think again. Even the church thinks you talk too much.
#13 There’s only one answer
Have you ever heard of the illusion of choice? This is a lot like that.
#14 Don’t take it at face value
Never take a passive-aggressive message at face value. You’ll only make them resort to sticky notes.
#15 Hippies use side door
Have you ever wondered what the management really thinks about the motives behind unhygienic behavior? Now you know.
The sign does include the word polite. After that, it kind of goes downhill.
Didn’t we warn you that things would lead up to stick notes? Well, here they are.
Have you ever had a professor you really hated? This person did.
They say they apologize for the inconvenience. Do they really mean it? Probably not.
This shirt was made in China. The positive intention may have been lost in translation.
Being a musician in the age of the internet is hard. We can see some of the frustration coming through in this band’s poster.
Yes, they might actually think the person who left the sugar packets is that dumb. The helpful information is a clue.
Passive-aggressive messages often come with a little snarky lesson. We think we can spot it in this one.
They’re doing the neighborhood a service, clearly. They just want everyone to realize that they are.
#25 The crumpled sticky note
Not only do they not think much of the person they are leaving the note for. They also don’t think they are deserving of an uncrumpled sticky note.
When they start offering how to teach you to turn a key in a lock… That might be an indication that they’re one step away from going postal.
The boss told them to print a sign telling employees to use the color ink more conservatively. This is how they chose to do that.
Someone has been grading mom. They’re getting a head start on passive-aggressive behavior.
No family member is safe. This is probably not the response any son or daughter would want.
Be careful where you place quote marks. These change the meaning entirely.
It can be hard to feel like you’re being passed over by the tooth fairy. This was one child’s response.
#32 Passive-aggressive parking
Her roommate wasn’t giving her enough room to park. This was her solution.
What’s the best response to complaints that you can’t do anything about? A passive-aggressive sign, clearly!
#34 Skipping on the passive
The only thing passive about this is that it’s on a business card. Can a type of cardstock really be passive?
Sometimes situations come up that call for passive-aggressive behavior. Sometimes, all of life calls for it.
Leaving a message that cannot be read by the people it is intended for. Now, that’s an epic level of passive-aggressiveness.
At least they’re offering an option. Close the gate or deal with the passive-aggressiveness in person.
#38 They don’t have your contact info
What they really wanted to do was send your paycheck to your last address and then watch you suffer. Maybe this sign is a little less inconvenient.
#39 Almost a helpful sign
The sign seems innocent enough. It almost seems helpful. Still, there’s just a touch of malice lurking in that drawing of a broken heart.
Most anti-graffiti notices just kindly ask that no one paint on a wall. This one, however, is also an art critique.
#41 Two birds with one stone
This passive-aggressive driver has managed to do two things at once. Now, they can tell you how they feel while also sneaking how they think you should feel about Jesus into it.
It’s pretty obvious what this sign writer’s views on non-hand washers are. Now, everyone who enters that bathroom will know.
#43 What they really think of you
To be fair, it’s a public health concern. Still, the signwriter clearly knows how to do passive-aggressive.
Not only does she know, but now she knows you know. Quit asking her about the printer before this goes next level passive-aggressive.
#45 What they really think
Asking for an extension isn’t unreasonable in some circumstances. Clearly, the instructor doesn’t really agree.
Don’t want to say something directly? There’s a song for that.
You’ve been trying to learn a language. The owl just doesn’t think it’s working.
You know when someone says everything is fine and doesn’t really mean it? This is the microwave equivalent.
#49 When you know she’s mad
There’s no need to forget about cleaning just because you’re mad. The key is only doing it halfway – your half.
#50 Be a little more creative
Yep, even the file manager can be snarky. Who knew that technology could hate us so much?
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Being straightforward isn’t always easy. In fact, there are people who choose to avoid confrontation entirely. However, there’s a third option that some have made into an art form: being passive-aggressive.
Even if they think they’re being subtle, it doesn’t go unnoticed. People have been sharing some of the best examples they have come across.
Here are the greatest ones we have found: