Bad sales tactics can be the only thing keeping your business from thriving. You have the merch, you just need a good strategy. These stores are doing it right by offering jokes and unique services you can’t find anywhere else. Take my money!
1) Why break bad when you can break bread instead?
These artists at Whole Foods are brilliant. They must get paid a lot to stay or else they’d be in New York making it big. I mean, breaking bread has so many layers that it might as well be an onion…or an ogre.
2) It runs deeper than you think
This pottery shop is built over a very large, deep cave that has glass covering the entrance. Don’t let that make you nervous at all. I wonder if this place was super expensive or cheap.
3) Ready For The Super Bowl
This store is ready for game day. They set up a stadium made from beer crates. If you drink beer and you visit this store, you will no doubt want to snag a crate right after you take a snapshot of this masterpiece.

4) Japan just gets it…
Japan is known for their Kit Kats, but did you know that they have gourmet Kit Kat shops? They even put your exclusive Kit Kat truffles and specialty bars in pretty little gift bags. This is an amazing souvenir.
5) Leveling up their meat game
This Asian market sells “mega meat” and other video game inspired meat. The bad thing about this is that you’ll have to buy the pork and beef and eat it together because you can’t leave Cutman behind.
6) And He Does Mean All
Whole Foods has some of the best signs. This one gives us Ron Swanson from Parks and Recreation in all his bacon glory with one of this best lines. What an amazing chalk artist. He needs a raise.

7) What The Pencil
Have you ever been to a pencil store? I didn’t know it was a thing. But apparently in Iran, it is. Take a look at this pencil store with an owner who makes cool pictures and words with the erasers.

8) Are You Not Entertained?
These fish will surely bring you great enjoyment as they dance around your kitchen. Right? Or is this a different kind of entertaining fish? Either way, this is a great marketing strategy.

9) This Isn’t Real
You may have been fooled at first but look closer. This is actually a shop window of a shop window in a show window. You can see the glass starting at the bottom and the reflections in it.

10) Lebowski Fan?
Fans of the movie will now be visiting this store in their robe and pretend it’s for a good cause. Which is the discount. It makes me wonder if they are trying to sell milk or just be entertaining.

11) It’s Not The Sign
Stop looking at the pleasing, yet boring sign. What is really entertaining here is that there’s balloons above each produce section letting you know what type of veggie or fruit is there. Now that’s dedication.

12) This Explains How Viruses Spread
So this is just 33 likes that month but that’s probably because it was early on. And because if you want people to press like then you should put them over Pop-Tarts or potato chips. Not soup.

13) Now I Want A Guitar
This guitar shop looks like an amp and that is the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen. Not only is it painted well but those knobs are so well done that they look real. I don’t play guitar and I want to visit.

14) Interesting Observation
This store put a Willy Wonka sign above the chocolate and gave it a snappy line. This is how you label stuff. You can even see this sign from far away so people are more likely to gravitate that way.

15) Guitar Shops, Stepping It Up
This guitar shop may be abandoned but you know it was hopping back in the day. It has a giant Martin guitar of all things on top of it. I’d buy a guitar here, and drive it hope in my Model T.

16) Perfect Souvenir
This Italian store sells cushions in the shape of pasta. I see tortellini and ravioli. I’m pretty sure these are made more for tourists than Italian kids because Americans obsess of this kind fo thing.

17) Life In Texas
This is found in a grocery store in Texas. In some states, public intoxication is frowned upon. But there are places in Texas where drinking while you shop is encouraged. Welcome to America.

18) Error, No Bedding Found
If you’ve never gotten Error 404, then you haven’t been on the internet enough. Or maybe you’re actually the only smart one and you have found a better way. Either way, that is cheap bedding.

19) Test Before You Buy
There’s only two reasons to use this. You want to test out the gear that you’re thinking about buying or it’s a really hot day so you visit this store to cool off. Now I’m curious and want to try it out.

20) Doge Never Fails
This Doge can sell anything. Even chocolate, or I guess especially chocolate. Because how hard is it to sell chocolate? He does a swell job so I think I’d buy this obscure brand from him instead of Dove.

21) Now That’s Fancy
These roman columns can be found in this grocery store and most likely draw a ton of people in. I’d shop here just to see them and enjoy the atmosphere that they create. This was an amazing investment.

22) Grumpy Cat Is Still At It
Do you want a leafy greens blend yet? Grumpy Cat is trying to sell them and now for some reason you want them so they can sit in your freezer for eighteen months. So worth it in the end.

23) Happy Anniversary
It would indeed be shocking. To get her knives, right? That’s what they are talking about and not something more sinister. This was actually genius placement and at least generated a few laughs.

24) Let’s Read A Bedtime Story
This is one freaky bookend and this is the perfect place to put it. We all know that Grimm’s stories are not for children and Edgar Allen Poe is a boss. Take a book if you dare, or just go to the children’s section.

25) Have That Party
Okay, so this may not be the most intelligent thing to say but it will make you want to buy ten things of spinach so you can tell your friend you’re having a spinach party. Make sure they bring mushrooms, if you have much room.

26) Built In The Right Place
Rather than cover this mountain brook up, this mall showcased it. It is now one of the prettiest places in the city to sit and have lunch. If I lived here, I would never leave this mall. Shop and relax? Yes please!

27) Every Day He’s Popcorning
This guy has a little homemade popcorn specialty store. Every day, the owner takes a picture of himself with the popcorn and posts it to Facebook. That way, you know you’re getting it fresh every day.

28) Tell It Like It Is
Why is this a smart strategy? It’s a spoiler, right? No. If you haven’t read Romeo and Juliet by now, you’re not going to. This is just proof that this bookstore knows their books and is willing to be upfront with you.

29) Hulk Has Bulk
Is there a better character to put as the mascot for the bulk section? This Increidble Bulk drawing will make kids want granola and nuts, as well as draw the eye of every single customer in the store.

30) Who is It?
Can anyone tell who this is? Red for Raphael? Pizza because it’s Mikey’s favorite? Donnie because of the expression? The world may never know but we do know that anyone would buy a Ninja Turtle beef cake.

31) Grumpy Cat Doesn’t Care About Your Sniffles
To be honest, companies that sell allergy medicine want you to have allergies, they can’t help it. Grumpy Cat is no different. He wants the world to suffer but not to sell anything, just because he woke up on the wrong side of the kitty bed.

32) She Knows What She’s Doing
This Walmart employee is a genius. Every day, she posts photos on Facbeook of her using the merchandise. If you want to call it that. She really just poses with things she finds interesting.

33) Sounds Like Me
Anyone else feel attacked? I’ve never related to a sign so much in my life. This store gets me. They sell things that aren’t the best and let you know that they aren’t the best. But at least they’re still good.

34) So Much Waste
If this was created in 2020, there would be a meltdown because that is such a waste of toilet paper that it will give most of us anxiety. In a few years, it will give us flashbacks. But you know, it is a good way to draw people in.

35) Alone In The World Is A Little Catcat
I don’t know fi this was an employe or a customer. But if it was an employee, they deserve a raise. It was seen in a Swedish grocery store and now I can’t stop laughing. I’d worry if this was my cat.

36) Ah, The Luxury
This is a luxury toilet paper store in Paris. There are all sorts of colors and patterns. It’s probably expensive but then gain, isn’t all toilet paper expensive these days? Probably cheaper than Charmin on ebay.

37) From The 1800s
These “tablets” were inspired by the Victorian era and are replicas of those used by children in the 1800s and early 1900s. It does almost everything a modern-day iPad does if your imagination is good enough.

38) Hola, Buy My Durian
Durians may be tasty, but it’s hard to get people to buy them because they smell so awful. A good way to sell them is to use a dog to pitch them to people. You can’t say no to a happy dog in uniform.

39) Feel The Hype
In case you don’t remember, Captain America: Civil War, was huge when it was released. There was a major hype. This store followed the hype and created a soda monument for the movie.

40) It Broke Records
This shopping mall has the world’s tallest tube aquarium. People come from all over to see it and end up spending more than a few bucks while they are there. That’s the secret, people.

41) Let Your Inner Child Out
This clothing store has a slide next to the stairs. Not many are bold enough to try it out but those who are enjoy themselves so much more. And they probably have cooler shoes too. Just saying.

42) That’s A Great Way To Explain It
There’s only one better way to explain what an egg is and it makes most people, men in particular, feel uncomfortable. So let’s just go with boneless chickens and call it a day, shall we? It is a good one.

43) May The Orange Be With You
This is a genius way to get kids to eat their fruits and veggies. They will definitely want to pick their favorite character and eat the oranges from that bag. Parents love it when companies do this.

44) Meat Market?
This shop in Berlin only sales stuff that looks like meat…but isn’t meat. They have all sorts of pillows and cuddly buddies for you to choose from and breakfast food to go along with it. Is this someone’s dream?

45) It Must Be Working
This grocery store is selling dragon fruit by putting chalk drawings of dragons above them. That is the best idea they could have come up with. It must be working too because they are running out.

46) Wear And Tear
This shoe store has a trekking pit for you to test the shoes out on. Let’s just hope they don’t charge you if the new shoes tear on the rocks they set out. That would be one heck of a sales trap.

47) Banana Mingler
These bananas are in need of a friend, and they are not ashamed toa admit it. Who wouldn’t want to pick a banana that was this desperate? I mean, those bunches look happy as a family. Choose the sad ones.

48) That’s Disturbing
When you first see this, you probably thing it’s inspiring, but do you really want to eat potatoes the way that Matt Damon does? If you haven’t seen the movie, watch it so you will get the reference.

Bored Panda
49) How Convenient
This shopping center in Germany has a parking lot for carts to encourage people to put them away. This makes it easy for employees and people don’t mind putting them back when it’s this cute.

50) Make Olaf A Friend
This is a genius way to sell carrots because kids who can read will ask their parents for some, thinking they are made just for snowmen. They won’t be able to let it go and thus, their parents spend 88 cents.
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