Most of us have suffered through having bad, or at least inconsiderate, neighbors at some point. But what about the good ones?
We found fifty neighbors who will restore your faith in humanity. They’re thoughtful, friendly, and even helpful! Who wouldn’t want to see them moving into the area?
These are the neighbors who anyone would want to live next door to.
They ran out of toilet paper. This is how their downstairs neighbor delivered it. The trusty rescue dog had arrived!
They weren’t going to see family for Thanksgiving. Their neighbors knew and decided to bring this over so they wouldn’t feel left out.
#3 Neighbors to the rescue
They were away from home when several feet of flooding occurred in the area. When they came home, the neighbors had already rescued their dogs and brought them above the floodwaters.
When their cat died, it was devastating. The neighborhood kids decided to do something and made a collage with the photos they had of him.
#5 Sharing the gift of laughter
This neighbor left a new dad joke outside each day for everyone to read. He got a few chuckles and quite a few groans.
It’s the thought that counts!
When they saw a note slip under the front door while practicing playing an instrument, they assumed it would be a noise complaint. Instead, the neighbor was requesting a song.
While they were unpacking in their new home, they noticed a neighbor outside mowing the lawn for them. When they asked why, he said that it was a gift to welcome them to the neighborhood.
#8 Enough to bring tears to your eyes
Grandparents have been known to buy gifts for future years for their own grandchildren. How often do they do it for the neighborhood kids as well? This was the sweetest neighbor.
This elderly neighbor couldn’t go anywhere because he was staying safe at home and avoiding COVID. That didn’t stop him from sharing something with all the mothers in the neighborhood.
#10 A friend in any weather
This boy saw his elderly neighbor walking through the rain without an umbrella. He rushed out with an umbrella and walked the rest of the way home with the man to make sure he stayed dry.
This neighbor noticed when a child had their scooter stolen. Not only did they notice, but they also made sure that it was replaced.
There was a loss in their family, which meant everyone was coming over, including a ton of kids. Their neighbor’s response was to rent a bouncy house for the kids to play in.
When these neighbors saw smoke coming from an elderly man’s roof, they immediately sprang into action. They alerted him and got him out of the building while another neighbor worked to extinguish the fire.
#14 Showing understanding
This could have gone a whole lot worse. Instead, they’ll get through it together as neighbors.
This neighbor built a mini-library that is free to everyone. They even made sure to include a stool for their children’s books section.
#16 Adding a little laughter and sweetness
A neighbor needed cheering up. They discovered this cutout of Marge in their flowers. That will work!
When an elderly neighbor moved away, they left a parting gift. The gamer who received this box was ecstatic.
Anyone who has to shovel snow knows how hard it is. These kind people saved their neighbors from the laborious task by using their snow equipment to clear driveways and sidewalks.
#19 Admitting to their mistakes
Not everyone is perfect. However, when these neighbors made things a little messy with fireworks, they fessed up to it. They also paid to have the mess cleaned up.
#20 Keeping the holidays alive
They tested positive for COVID and had to stay home. Their neighbor found out and delivered this little Christmas tree so they wouldn’t miss out on the holiday.
He told his neighbor that he wasn’t in the mood to do a traditional Thanksgiving. This is the gift she left him to make sure that he and his dog still enjoyed the day.
This busy nurse hadn’t had enough time to keep her lawn mowed. Instead of complaining, the neighbors did it for her. She left a sign to say thank you.
This neighbor gave the kids on his block a giant box of chalk. Those will last a while!
It’s not just the human neighbors that are taken care of. This person makes sure that all of the dogs in the neighborhood have something to drink when they’re out taking a walk.
#25 Sending good thoughts
Most neighbors just avoid someone with a positive COVID test. These neighbors are a little more thoughtful than that.
This man saw that his neighbor couldn’t get through a muddy part of the sidewalk. His solution? He got a shovel and cleared a path.
Times are tough for a lot of people right now. This family knows that and decided to offer part of their lawn as a community pantry.
This elderly man buys pizza for his entire neighborhood. His kids and grandkids may be grown, but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have any love left.
Their neighbor knew they would be alone on Christmas. They didn’t want them to starve as well, so they brought this over.
We could all use a little cheering up sometimes. This neighbor gets that.
When talking to her neighbor, she mentioned that she kept forgetting to tell the landscaping company to skip the trimming on some plants. Her neighbor not only noted which plants but also made signs so the landscapers would know.
This retired teacher offers storytime for any neighbor who wants to listen. Even with social distancing, she’s still teaching.
She woke up to excited knocking on the door on her birthday. It was the neighbor’s kids with this plate of food.
One neighbor fed an injured pigeon. Another made sure he got to a vet.
A neighbor knew that the person living next door to her was struggling financially. She left this to help out.
An art teacher died, and his wife was still stuck at home in quarantine. The neighbors left this to let her know they shared in her loss.
Some kids left this for their neighbor’s puppy. She brings it with her everywhere.
#38 Helping in any way they can
A neighbor’s house was destroyed by fire. This girl decided to sell lemonade to make some cash to donate to them. Even the firemen who tried to save the house stopped by to purchase lemonade.
#39 Staying social and socially distanced
These two neighbors wanted to share a beer. They found a way.
An observant neighbor who they had never spoken to noticed that they were alone on Thanksgiving. The neighbor brought this food over.
This 98-year-old woman can’t get to church. Her neighbor goes by her house every Sunday and makes sure she has access to a live stream of her church’s mass.
Local kids were sledding down her hill without permission. Instead of getting mad, she blasted Christmas carols and went out to join them.
This retired neighbor goes through and clears away storm damage from his neighbors’ lawns. He says he does it because he has the time to.
#44 They don’t forget the dogs
This guy always gives his neighbor’s dog crackers. The dog doesn’t seem to mind!
This sign was seen during the Australian bushfires. These neighbors have huge hearts.
This neighbor decided that he needed something to paint. He painted a portrait of their dog and gave it to them!
#47 A little manual labor
A schoolteacher couldn’t afford to paint her old house. The neighbors had a solution. They painted it for her!
There are so many things that we can do that don’t take much extra effort. When this man cooks for himself, he also makes sure to make enough for the neighbor as well.
Their neighbor doesn’t have internet access. They shared their wifi with her so she could finally receive emails from her adult children.
Jason’s elderly neighbor accidentally reset her television remote, so he fixed it for her. The next day, he found a bottle of wine and this note.
Help doesn’t go unnoticed.
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Most of us have suffered through having bad, or at least inconsiderate, neighbors at some point. But what about the good ones?
We found fifty neighbors who will restore your faith in humanity. They’re thoughtful, friendly, and even helpful! Who wouldn’t want to see them moving into the area?
These are the neighbors who anyone would want to live next door to.