Have you ever noticed a sign that made you stop and think “Did I actually see that?” These signs can sneak up on you anywhere, from along the highway to outside your favorite businesses and they are always worth a chuckle. Thankfully the Internet loves sharing the funny things they find and that’s why we have these 50 hilarious signs.
If you see something like this, you should do what the sign says. Yes, it’s a brilliant way to keep people off of someone’s private property. But there’s an underlying warning involved that’s a little creepy.
So which one is the punishment here? This sign from the Newcastle Tramway Authority warns that touching wires will literally kill you. So why even bother with the sign? Unless they’re saying they’ll reach into wallets to take the fine before they deal with you.
This sign has to be a gag outside of a famous bar or party district. But it’s certainly one late night cab or Uber drivers would likely not object to. But isn’t it weird seeing the famous sign stick figure man in such a bad way?
4. Littlefoot’s Big Adventure
We’re almost willing to bet this sign is advertising some sort of museum. But it’s more fun to imagine that this city has an actual dinosaur crossing lane. It hasn’t been that long ago since we’ve had movies of animals showing up in the big city, so why not have a little fun with it?
Now the pun for this sign is obvious. But you have to wonder if this sign is part of a fitness program. Just imagine a hiking trail designed for weight loss with these signs hung up along the way. Would it be motivating?
See, that’s what happens when someone spreads their misery to others. They get a bench named after them. We’re just not we’d want to sit on it since Roger might still be hanging around.
This is fantastic. Considering the owner had to post a sign, what do you want to bet that a lot of people have called the police? That cat’s a troublemaker, for sure.
Freddie would be so proud…or we think he would. You have to admit it’s catchy. But will it work? No, probably not.
Forget about posting a sign that says “no soliciting.” No one will pay attention to it. But this? Yeah, that’ll keep unwanted people away.
You know the story of Noah and Ark. Well, now you understand why he focused on saving animals. While this sign is hilarious, it also rings true. Some people prefer critters over humans.
At least they were nice enough to post a warning sign. Poor Pete. Just one question…where is this located so we can avoid going there.
This is a hoot. But do you know what the funniest part is? This sign is 100 percent spot-on.
For anyone who enjoys a beer or cocktail? Here you go. See, you don’t need an excuse to enjoy a brew or two.
There’s nothing better than a big muffin with a cup of coffee in the morning. So, the next time you want something supersized and fresh, you know the brand to buy. Just don’t park your vehicle anywhere close.
If you live in an earthquake zone, there’s no need to buy an expensive detection kit. All you need is this. Just pay attention to the jiggly eyes and you’re good to go.
This is one of those “sweet and to the point” kind of signs. But with so many Karen’s out there, it’s necessary. You know you love it.
17. Keep it in the community
This is such a funny sign. At the same time, it’s true. Especially if you like to support local businesses and organizations, remember reading this.
Let’s hope there are enough dogs to vouch for their owners. Otherwise, people might find themselves without a place to sleep. Not to mention the hotel will go out of business.
19. It grabs your attention
Now that’s funny. And it gets the message across. Kudos to the marketing expert at this company.
When someone leaves a bad review for your business, you could do what this person did. Turn lemons into lemonade. Immediately, this sign makes you want to find out for yourself.
We’re pretty sure you can agree with this. After all, there are a lot of people in Hollywood this applies to. But of course, we won’t name any names.
More than likely, a lot of people get this. Especially individuals with kids. But if you’re hearing music, there could be something way more serious going on than just the stresses of life.
This is downright hilarious. It’s also a little bit scary. All those sci-fi books that people use to laugh at…well, the only thing they’re laughing at now is this sign.
If you’ve ever had a doctor’s note or a handwritten prescription, you have to chuckle. Even the most well-educated physicians can’t write worth a darn. It’s too bad. Maybe there’s some cool message here.
Yes, this company is in desperate need. And what a hilarious way to get the message out. As far as their HR department? They’re doing just fine.
Who knew back in the Biblical days that two people would be so relevant in today’s technology? An apple, it all started with a stupid apple. Way to go, Adam and Eve.
For people who like coffee but have no idea how to order it. Well, here you go. If you can’t get it right now, you might as well just give up and turn to water.
Yep…it was Joe’s fault all along. This proves it. Hopefully, this hilarious sign was nothing more than a prank as Joe heads off to retirement.
29. Straight to the point
Sometimes, funny signs are blatantly true. Here’s a perfect example. There are probably some parents out there who appreciate this sign because it helps them avoid having “the talk.” You know, the one about the birds and the bees.
This is probably one of the funniest signs ever. This poor woman just wants her Roomba back. Did you notice that no one took a sticker? She probably worked that thing to death and it finally escaped. On a positive note…the streets are super clean.
For years, people have debated about the correct way for toilet paper to roll. Some say over and some say under. This sign puts it in perspective in a hysterical way. Beards are cool.
Who knew? Well, it appears that’s nothing more than a myth. Just ask the men who left a message on this sign.
Have you ever tried to open a door only to find out that you should’ve pushed when you pulled or vice versa? It’s so embarrassing. At this maternity ward, the signs give very clear instructions.
Just as this sign shows, you can’t even walk across the floor without them trying to bite your ankles. Where do they come from? How do they even get inside of businesses? At least customers are warned.
You know you laughed. But at the same time, do they? Unless your dog can tell you, there’s no way to know. That’s unless when seeing one, your pup immediately turns around and puts his paws behind his back.
They are kidding, right? Seriously, they’re just trying to be funny…we think. But to err on the side of caution, if you see a sign like this…don’t test your fate.
37. A teacher with a sense of humor
Gosh, it would be so nice to have a math teacher in high school who was witty. At least they make learning fun. The internet is going crazy over this sign.
Husbands and boyfriends around the world relate to this man’s pain. When a woman goes into Target, this is how they feel. And they’re right.
Yep, this individual is setting the record straight for anyone who wants to know. In all honesty, after being away from certain people during the pandemic, you might realize you can live without some of them. Just saying.
In India, the zoo officials don’t take kindly to people throwing things at the residents. So, they posted this sign. We’re guessing the number of incidents has decreased substantially. Either that or the number of people who come back to visit.
You have to love this sign. Maybe reading a book about the tropics will help. Then again, probably not.
42. This is what cheap looks like|
Yes, this is a real sign at a real graphics design firm. While it’s hilarious, it’s not going to do much for business. Perhaps the owner should invest a little money in door signs.
If you’re going to have an emergency, you better find a different place. This one isn’t set up to accommodate your needs. Thanks for the heads-up.
People are always looking for new ways to stay safe. Here’s a great idea…if you’re skinny. We say go for the entire cake, not just a slice.
You know all the guys who say they go to strip clubs just to eat or conduct business? Yeah, we’ll see. This would definitely put a damper on things.
While it might take a second to get the message, this is funny. At the same time, it’s super clever. Hopefully, a lot of people raised their right foot.
47. Yep…that’s about right
There’s never a reason to litter. And for those who do, more than likely, they can check off at least two of these. Great sign.
48. The only way to drive
When it comes to marketing, KFC got it right. You have to chuckle at this. And you’ll never go wrong driving on mushrooms and Coke.
Thank goodness someone put this sign there. Otherwise, no one would have a clue. It looks like the lifeguards at the aquatic center were bored.
We’ve heard of aggressive bike lane enforcement but this might be too much. Maybe this sign is in a neighborhood that really wants to reduce vehicle emissions. Whatever the case, this sign presents a hilarious question. When WILL we see super-spy style water-cars?