Every so often, we see random acts of kindness around us and it inspires us to keep the kindness flowing.
Perhaps Vince Vaughn said it best.
“People helping people is powerful stuff.”
Whether it’s someone helping an elderly person crossing the street or others helping during disasters and calamities, there are different types of help we see.
Sunshine, a little girl from Michigan is one great example of a kid’s sincere generosity toward others.

5-year-old Sunshine took matters into her own hands to help a friend at school.
One day, she decided to empty her piggy bank and placed the money in small baggies.
Her grandmother, Jackie Oelfke, noticed and asked why Sunshine was taking her savings out from her piggybanks.
It was to help other kids.

They needed milk money.
Jackie was shocked when Sunshine mentioned that one of her classmates did not have enough money to buy milk at school and that she wanted to help.
Jackie shared this gesture on Social Media and received so much love that they wanted to do more.
The family decided on a GoFundMe page where Sunshine could continue to raise more money for her classmates.
The money they raised was more than what was expected to help her classmates in need.

Jackie recalled the moment on a news station.
“I was sitting in my chair just doing some work and Sunshine brought out her piggy banks and dumped them on the floor next to me. She just started counting.”
She wasn’t just counting up her saved money, though.
She was investing it in generosity.
She added, “She counted her money, put it in baggies, and put it in her backpack. She said she was taking it to school for her friend. because her friend’s mom doesn’t have milk money.”

Jackie let Sunshine donate $30 of her own money to help buy her friend’s milk.
She later found out that only half of Sunshine’s class purchased milk on a regular basis.
It was a heartbreaking reminder.
She shared the touching story on Social Media.
In the video she mentioned, “I feel really naive because you forget this is an issue.”

She also added that they’re doing okay and that Sunshine has her own milk money.
But realizing that other kids had no money to buy milk, and that Sunshine wanted to help at such a young age was genuine.
Sunshine’s family went beyond the piggy bank.
A GoFundMe page was started to raise more money.
The page went on to be a huge success and within just a week, people donated over $1,000 to help Sunshine’s goal of helping her classmates.

The fundraising didn’t stop there.
The page ended up delivering far more than anyone’s expectations, with no less than $19,700 raised.
This would fund the whole class’s free milk for the rest of the school year.

In the video, Jackie also shared that she was very proud of Sunshine and that she could not wait to show her the viral post that made all the difference.
They’ll continue to help her friends.

Learn more about Sunshines exuberant generosity in the video below!
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