Going to gas stations is just an ordinary errand for all of us. There’s nothing special about it unless there are promotions going on. But that is not always the case.
A gas station in the Wallingford neighborhood of Seattle has been making their customers laugh. It’s because of the hilarious messages that they post on their message board. What’s more amazing is they make sure they change it regularly.
Some gas stations also have hilarious displays that were captured and got posted online. If you want to see some of them, make sure to finish this slideshow.
1) Two Evils
According to this sign, the messenger doesn’t always pick the lesser of two evils, but instead goes for the one they haven’t tried yet. In a case such as this, a lot depends on whether you are looking for trouble or not. Personally, I think it’s better to go with what you know in this case and avoid the uncertainty of the unknown.
2) Coughs are crucial nowadays.
Because of the spread of COVID-19, a simple cough could mean many things. So this message is totally relatable and extremely funny, too!
3) Who would do that?
This should be a warning to never name your dogs or pets with Shark. Unless you’re not fond of going to the beach.
4) Jerk to Naps
As a kid we have no idea how important naps will become to us as we grow older. To many older adults, a nap is almost a necessity to get through the day. Kids on the other hand see naps a s an inconvenience. only later do they learn how wrong they were.
5) Pumpkin Spice Oil Change
What an interesting, um, combination. Nothing goes together better than pumpkin spice and an oil change. Hey, they are even hiring. I wonder if you have to be trained to do a pumpkin spiced oil change? I bet it at least smells nice.
6) Air and Space Museum
This little play on words is pretty clever, because of course an air and space museum would have a lot of air and space on display. Actually, air and space museums are pretty cool, featuring craft and other objects from the age of flight and space. So, definitely give one a visit if you ever get the chance.
7) Child Proofed
When someone says they want to child proof their home, you wouldn’t think they were wanting to keep them out. Luckily as they grow older, they stay away from home more and more until they eventually quit coming around altogether, unless they need money of course.
8) Lost and found
It’s very rare to find a missing false teeth at gas stations. Hopefully, the owner would be able to retrieve it.
9) Eat Here and Get Gas
Though, of course if you like gas, then by all means eat here. Hopefully, any significant other is also okay with this side affect of eating at this gas station. Oh, they meant gas as in gas that goes in your car. well, then never mind.
10) Yes to Unicorns
In my book you should always say yes to unicorns. You should also say yes to success, or ouie in French, as well as yes to being Batman. According to this sign, you should definitely say no to smoking and ice cream for some reason.
11) Reality Check
What exactly is a reality check anyway? According to the dictionary, a reality check is an occasion on which one is reminded of the state of things in the real world. So, what happens when it bounces? Would that mean you didn’t have a reality check?
12) High Speed Chase
I can’t tell if this sign is for the cops or for the people planning on running for them. At least there is a place where both parties can meet up before the inevitable arrest that follows a high speed chase. Gas up though, or it could be a quick stop.
13) Hokey pokey
This person had an additction problem, but at least they can laugh about it now. It seems they couldn’t get enough of the hokey pokey. Luckily, they were able to turn themselves around, but not before putting all of their arms and legs into it.
14) Fast Service
This gas station promises fast service no matter how long it takes. My guess is that the more someone complains the slower the service becomes, though it is still fast according to the sign.
15) Czechs Welcome
While no checks are accepted at this store, they do accept Czechs. I wonder if there was some confusion among members of a local Czech community to warrant this sign? Hopefully they are as accepting of all nationalities.
16) Fuzzy Memory
What this sign is trying to say, in a nutshell, is that if your memory is fuzzy, then you have obviously forgotten all of the bad things you’ve done, hence the clear conscious. I guess the older you get the clearer the conscious.
17) Do It for the Dinosaurs
This Valvoline oil change business is encouraging its customers to not let the dinosaurs die in vain. After all, they did give up living so we could all have oil and gas in our vehicles. I wonder if the dinosaurs sacrifice will be forgotten when clean energy finally takes hold?
18) Past, Present, and Future
This message is actually trying to crack a bar joke and does a pretty good job of it, though, you might have to have a little understanding of the English language to get it. I honestly think this message is a great joke for editors, writers, and English teachers.
19) Sassy Pump
According to this station owner, this pump has an attitude. At least they provide a receipt inside. I wonder if the pump is as sassy in giving gas. If it knows what is good for it it won’t be.
20) Pee Way
Interesting name for a gas station. I guess you can take care of numerous types of business while there. So, I wonder if you can do number two as well, or would that require a Poo Way. Oh wait, it says Speedway. Well, that makes a lot more sense.
21) First Five Days
Fopr people who hate the work week, nothing could be truer. Though, if you love your job, you might not feel this way. Monday is the hardest for me, followed closely by Tuesday. From there it is all downhill as the week barrels towards Friday. The weekend, a mere two days is always way too short. Maybe we should work two days and be off five?
22) Hit and Run
This sign owner was obviously making light of the fact that someone had actually hit their sign. Glad to see they still had a sense of humor, even after someone made their sign a runaway hit.
23) No Fart
I would hope they wouldn’t fart in my car, or at least spray something if they do. Honestly, if I took my car here to get the oil changed and somebody farted in my car while doing so, it would be the last time I would go here. I’m the only one allowed to fart in my car.
24) Venison for Dinner
Hunters hunt deer for sport and for their meat, also known as venison. This sign is obviously make a play on words based on that fact. While gamey tasting if not prepared properly, venison is actually pretty good if prepared properly.
25) Solid Advice
Very good advice. If you see someone doing this, just keep on driving. hopefully they don’t accidently walk in front of your vehicle. Better yet, call the police. Truth be told, if I see someone in a hospital gown in the middle of the street, I am turning around and going a different way before I see something I don’t want to see.
26) Perfectionist
This person seems to think that their parents made the perfect child in them. I guess we should go ahead and throw away the mold and stop making any more kids at this point. I wonder if this person’s parents feel the same way he does about the matter?
27) Hypothetical Question
Good question. Though, if there were no hypothetical questions, would this sign even exist, hypothetically of course. Better yet, what if people just gave a straight answer to begin with? Then there would surely be many less questions asked, hypothetical or otherwise.
28) Go for the Juggler
The jugglers are always the worst, throwing things around thinking the they are better than all of the other clowns. The juggler is also the clown to most likely be carrying sharp objects to juggle and so pose the most danger. You should definitely go after them first.
29) Red Bull and a Kazoo
You better keep your kids close or this Texaco station will have them hopped up on Red Bull. I’ve heard that Red Bull gives you wiings, but I’ve heard that kazoos are proven to give parents a major headache.
30) Second Mouse
I feel sorry for the first mouse. I wonder if the second mouse in this message actually befriends other mice in orderto get them to go first when going after the cheese? The he just swoops in and gets all the cheese for himself. Kind of morbid now that you mention it. Poor first mouse.
31) Naps while driving
According to this sign, taking a regualr nap can help prevent old age, especially if you take them while driving. And while the message is meant as a jest, falling asleep at the wheel is a serious thing, and almost ensures that you avoid growing old by dying young.
32) Hokey pokey Clinic
This humorous display message talks about the hokey pokey clinic and how the messenger was able to turn themselves aroudn after checking in. If only life was that simple, especially if you only had to put only part of yourself into the effort at a time.
33) Onsite Home Refinancing
While funny, this message is actually true when gas prices skyrocket. This is especially true if you drive a truck, SUV, or RV. I wonder what kind of interest rate they offer? I also wonder if they require a down payment, home appraisal, and closing costs?
34) Pump-N-Munch
I’m assuming this name refers to the fact that you can buy gas and food there. Interesting choice of names either way. I guess it is better than Kum and Go. Oh wait, that is an actual name of a gas station in Colorado. Actually, that is just plain nasty.
35) Sup Merica
At least this gas station is chill about asking what is going on with its customers. It’s funny that the E, R, and A in SuperAmerica would all be out at the same time. It’s still an awesome coincidence regardless.
36) Antibodies
Ants and their little bodies, also known as antibodies by the person who put up this message. I’m pretty sure though that most people would prefer actual antibodies to ants, especially when it comes to picnics.
37) No Chip No Salsa
At least this BP station si humorous about the fact that their pump deosn’t have a chip reader as of yet. Now if they did start serving free salsa with chips with every fillup, they would be a step ahead of the competition.
38) Stop to Think
Forgetfulness is one of the pitfalls of aging, as the older you get, the more you tend to sit there wondering what it is you forgot. This sign illustrates this fact beautifully, asking if the reader has ever stopped to think only to forget what you were doing when you stopped.
39) No Smoking
This gas station lets its patrons know exactly how it feels about smoking at the pumps. At least they admit that the gas they sell is worth far more to them than anybody dumb enough to smoke while pumping gas.
40) Scared Half to Death Twice
So, would you be scared all the way to death? I’m assuming if there is some recovery time in between being scared you would probably survive. Wouldn’t the better translation of this message be scared to death, which is an actual thing?
41) Would you enter?
This comfort room signage which is located in gas station is totally unique and funny. It’s just simple but definitely appealing. The question is: would you enter?
42) Humility by Winter
The Wallingford sign owner is too funny and likes to turn popular sayings on their head. Take this display message for instance, the old adage is that pride comes before the fall. So, it stands to reason that once a person falls from grace they should ;learn humility by winter.
43) Music lover
The person who came up with this message surely loves Panic At The Disco so much. He’s so clever for relating this name of the band to the lockdowns and restrictions that we have been experiencing due to COVID-19.
44) Bacon Seeds
If there were only a thing such as bacon seeds. For now I guess society will have to satisfy itself with getting its bacon from actual pigs. In a way you can grow your own bacon, just not in the way the sign seems to imply.
45) Naps while driving
According to this sign, taking a regualr nap can help prevent old age, especially if you take them while driving. And while the message is meant as a jest, falling asleep at the wheel is a serious thing, and almost ensures that you avoid growing old by dying young.
Seeing these signs make me think how witty are those people behind them. It’s also nice to know that gas stations make efforts to entertain their patrons.
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Source: Bored Panda, Facebook/Wallingford Sign, Seattle Propane