In the never-ending cycle of the fashion world, designers try a multitude of new looks in the hope that they stick, or at least ring a bell with a specific crowd. Sometimes, though, they overlook potential design flaws or come up with ideas that are just “too out there.” These hilarious fashion design fails are at least worth a good laugh.
This Reddit user was in for quite the surprise when his wife didn’t understand Kevin Hart’s taste in T-shirts. She asked him why he was wearing a shirt that had PEDO written all over it. Why, indeed.
2) Is There Really Any Point?
While there is definitely a fashion element to this outfit, it is not very practical. You definitely can’t swim in it. It also looks like walking might be difficult at best.
This outfit makes her legs look SO short. Who on earth approved this look? They must have been fired.
Watch out ladies; there are guys out there with lace outfits. Not even kidding. Though, chances are these guys don’t really care what the ladies think.
This dress in Pakistan looks so cute. That is, until you notice the flaw. The print still has a Shutterstock watermark on it!
It just seems like these would get sweaty. To top it off, these pants leave little to the imagination. You might as well not wear them at all.
7) Shirt Pockets Gone Wrong
Those don’t look like pockets. Come on, really? Did she really make it all the way to the set without anyone telling her?
There’s so much wrong with this, I don’t even know where to begin. Talk about shoe wear with an identity crisis. These are definitely not practical on the farm.
This shirt is NOT appropriate! The bewildered Reddit user shares, “My friend’s sister got this at a jump rope camp. It’s supposed to say rope.”
Convertible pants, anyone? Did we mention that they’re denim? Let the denim abuse begin!
Star Wars socks looked super cool … until he put them on. Now all he sees when he looks at his socks is an old lady in a bathing suit. At least they look cool coming toward you.
Rihanna designed these interesting sweats. I think she’s just abusing her power and fame to mess with us at this point. Or maybe her fashion sense is just way off with this creation.
This just isn’t that woman’s day. It’s hard to tell if this is a part of her outfit or not. Is this a rocket ship or a…?
So, it’s a jacket that doesn’t keep you warm? Just imagine what a colorful sweater would look like with this monstrosity. Poor denim didn’t even know what was coming.
I’m really not sure what’s happening here. It’s like one of those spam Websites that don’t quite make sense when you read the text. Maybe it’s some kind of weird code?
What on God’s green earth is happening here? It’s like someone said, “Let’s just add some straps to this large pair of old oversize pants. Now, I’ll wear them. No one should notice.”
It looks like her body is a weird shape. Maybe she has to use the restroom? I hope there’s one close by.
Want to look like you’ve been rolling around in the mud all day? For just $425 you can! Fun fact? These are actually sold out right now.
You’re doing it wrong. Must be someone’s idea of a dream team. At least Spidey and Batman know what they are doing, but the Avatar guy seems a little out of his element.
Because nothing is more attractive than having your love handles exposed. Look ma, no pockets! Hopefully, the back pockets are still there.
Is this some kind of Johnny Cash support phrase? Or it is a rebellion against wearing only black. Good thing you only wear black.
You’ve got to be kidding me with these, right? Hello no arch support. Your toes must be thanking you at about this point.
Nice to see she is so supportive of some of her fellow women. Her term for them is a little derogatory, but still, so supportive. Really, someone should have told her.
Really, can these even be called pants? More like denim leggings held up by suspenders. Leave denim alone already!
That’s right — the sock comes attached to the heels. P.S. They are $1,190. Now if they just had some for men’s sandals they would make a killing.
26) This Isn’t What it Seems
Alright. Take your mind out of the gutter. This shirt wearer is just saying he really loves Beijing … I think.
It happened — two of the ugliest kinds of shoes have made a love child. And it’s awful. Some would say it’s the best of both worlds. The bigger question is do you wear them during the winter or summer?
This is … um … okay. What is this even about? Choking someone, taking care of the kids, sex, or something even stranger?
This outfit is for the sports fan with multiple teams in the same area. It seems like this could cause a scuffle at a bar. But, who knows, they could always tie.
Fail to the max. Actually, that looks kind of nasty. She probably gets a lot of double takes.
Nordstrom strikes again! To match your jeans, of course. What is up with all the dirty clothes?
This simply isn’t a good idea. What even is it? Is it two people kissing? I even see a puppy in there somewhere.
For the person who really wants to show off what they are wearing, even down to their underwear. The outfit even has long sleeves and a turtle neck making it easier to wear outside. Seems practical.
That flower is placed in just the wrong spot. And it’s so red. I think a better color choice is in order.
It’s like she was trying to put on a tutu, it got stuck, then she decided to just roll with it. That or she grabbed the valance off of her curtain rod and decided to wear it.
The eye placement on this bikini top is just wrong. What look was she even going for with this? I bet that’s the last time she buys a Minions bikini.
It’s like a bikini top on the outside of pajamas. Is she sleeping or swimming? I guess some people might take a nap poolside, making this outfit perfect.
I mean, who’s really counting? Either they can’t spell or they can’t count, maybe both. Then again, it could be for someone named Thirteen who wears the number 12.
Poor denim, abused in so many ways. I mean, what did denim ever do to you? Where does the denim madness end?!
Apparently Dickies is changing their label. It sounds like someone at the Dickies factory is having too much fun. Curious to know how many pairs of these are floating around out there. Definitely not for men with low self esteem.
Can we not make frilly knee pads a thing? Who even thinks of these things? Definitely someone who likes tutus.
You’ve heard of the ripped jean look, but these take it a step too far. Okay, several steps too far. As hard as it is to believe, these bad boys actually go for $168.
This is taking the “off-the-shoulder” thing way too far. This whole getup is a wardrobe malfunction waiting to happen. Hopefully, she is wearing a strapless bra underneath.
No, those definitely aren’t watermelons. But they are a fruit. Maybe the designer was going for a bit of irony.
You can buy it from a Website called “I Love Ugly.” A site for the lover of ugly and particularly clothing. I’d hate to see the matching pants, maybe the ripped jeans from before?
These Olympic uniforms are … inappropriate. This definitely wasn’t the intended goal of the design. At least, I hope not.
If this isn’t the creepiest thing you’ve ever seen, I don’t know what is. For those who want that “patiently biding your time” look. Pass!
Some clothing is designed to make the body look slimmer. This attempt, however, was a total fail. What is going on here?
Name the event or situation in which you would wear these. They look great coming toward someone, but just turn around and watch the questioning stares. Did they simply run out of material?
Would you wear this dress on your wedding day? I sure wouldn’t. I mean, look at that center chiffon piece.
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With today’s quickly changing fashion trends, designers are hard pressed to come up with the next big thing. Unfortunately, designers sometimes totally miss the mark, as evidenced in these horrible fashion ideas.
In the never-ending cycle of the fashion world, designers try a multitude of new looks in the hope that they stick, or at least ring a bell with a specific crowd. Sometimes, though, they overlook potential design flaws or come up with ideas that are just “too out there.” These hilarious fashion design fails are at least worth a good laugh.