Petroleum jelly, or as it is commonly known, vaseline, was discovered in the early 19th century and it has since been part of our lives since it is an extremely versatile product.
Vaseline can be used for health and beauty purposes, but it can also prove useful in ways you have probably never thought of before.
Below, we have compiled some of those vaseline uses that you would wish you knew before!
Especially during summer months, when our feet are most of the time exposed to the sun and air, they tend to crack a lot. Some vaseline will help soothe your dry cracked feet before you know it!
Have you noticed your window or drawer doesn’t slide as easily as before? Then all you need to do is brush some petroleum jelly on the tracks and they’ll slide again just like they once did!
3. Highlighter Alternative
Do you want to shine but are out of highlighter? You can use some petroleum jelly instead. Just dab some on the high points of your face that you’d like to highlight and there you have it! Get ready to impress!
4. Make Perfume Last Longer
We all love to smell good and, especially women, want their perfume to flood any room they visit and, of course, last for hours! However, most of the time, perfumes tend to become less intense after a couple of hours. Not anymore! You’ll be impressed by how much longer your perfume will last if you first dab some vaseline on your pulse points and then spray some perfume on them.
5. Avoid Nail Polish Accidents
Are you tired of having nail polish going to your cuticles when painting your nails? You don’t have to go through this again. Just apply some vaseline on your cuticles before painting your nails and it will work wonders!
Make your own flypaper by simply smearing a small quantity of petroleum jelly in a dish or jar lid. Then leave it where flies go and rest assured they will be caught in the trap!
7. Prevent Lightbulbs From Sticking
Many a time, when a lightbulb breaks off in the fixture, it gets stuck making it dificult for you to remove it. This can be prevented by applying a little vaseline on the threads of the new lightbuld before you screw it in.
Removing candle wax can be a nightmare! Next time you have to do it, try applying some petroleum jelly around the edges of the spilled wax, let sit for a while and then wipe. It will be much easier this way.
Did you know that you can use vaseline to hide wood furniture scratches? Well, you can smear some petroleum jelly on scratches, scuffs, and stains, let it sit for 24 hours, and then wipe away. It will be as good as new!
It’s such a bummer when you remove your makeup and half of it ends up on your white towels or your clothes! What can you do about it? Well, you can try using a damp washcloth, then dab some vaseline on the stain and wipe with the washcloth.
11. Remove Gum From Furniture
Okay, hopefully you won’t have this problem at home, but you never know- kids sometimes can be naughty and stick their gum underneath the dining table. How can you easily remove it? Just apply some petroleum jelly on the gum and let it sit. It will eventually disintegrate the gum and you’ll be able to easily remove it.
If you have leather shoes around that have lost their shine, you can brush some vaseline on them so they shine up again.
If you want to make your shower curtains glide easily, you can rub some petroleum jelly on your curtain rod. Thank us later!
14. Easily Remove Blackheads
Follow this
tutorial and you will be able to easily remove blackheads from your face. It will save you money and effort!
Sure, paracetamol and a shower will help you soothe a fever, but in case you need an extra tip, here you go! You can put some petroleum jelly in the freezer for five minutes, then take it out and apply on the forehead.
Does your house sound like it’s taken right out of a horror movie? It is probably the squeaky hinges that cause that feeling. You can hush them up by applying some vaseline on them.
Homemade is always preferable over store bought. Now, you can make your own lip-gloss by mixing up some Kool Aid and vaseline. Your lip-gloss will then have your favorite flavor!
If you have a stubborn zipper, try fixing it at home before heading to the tailor. You can rub some vaseline on both sizes of the stuck zipper and try moving it back and forth to lubricate the teeth.
If you wish you had longer, thicker eyelashes, you can rub some vaseline on them at night and this will help them grow faster.
20. Prevent Nail Polish From Sticking
Sometimes you try to open a nail polish bottle and it just won’t do you the favor! In order to avoid the cap getting stuck, you can try rubbing some vaseline on the top of the bottle when you first open it.
If you want the Halloween spirit to last longer for your family, then you need pumpkin lanterns. How can your carved pumpkin last longer? Just apply some petroleum jelly on the inside.
If you want your razors to last longer, you can rub some vaseline on them and it will help them remain sharp for more than usual. You just need to make sure they are completely dry before doing this to prevent rust.
Are you painting the house and you want some parts to remain intact? Well, there’s no need to invest in paint remover! You can simply apply some petroleum jelly where you need and make sure there won’t be any paint there!
Wave goodbye to split ends! You can now prevent them by rubbing a little bit of vaseline on the ends. This way you won’t have to visit the hairdresser frequently just to have your split ends cleared!
Do your DVDs or CDs have scratches? Did you know you can fix them just by rubbing some vaseline on them? You can follow this
tutorial for more details.
Did you know that you can easily remove makeup using petroleum jelly? Indeed, you can rub some on a cotton pad and wipe clean any makeup that you find hard to remove with plain washing.
27. Protect Your Skin From Dye
Okay, you want to dye your hair at home- fair enough. But, wouldn’t it be a shame if your face got messed up with dye too? Don’t worry! To prevent this from happening, you can apply some petroleum jelly on your hairline before getting started.
Do your lips feel dry? Just mix up some vaseline and sugar to make a quick lip scrub and they will soon be smooth again!
Forget about expensive anti-wrinkle creams and treatments! Keep your skincare homemade and low-budget by using vaseline. It’s simple: apply a little petroleum jelly to crow’s feet so you can keep them moist and prevent wrinkles from appearing.
If you feel like papmering yourself, you can start by making a body scrub at home. This will allow you to feel the spa experience without spending a fortune on expensive products. To put it together you will need: petroleum jelly, sugar or coarse salt. Apply on your skin and massage. Rinse and feel your body soft as never before!
Use petroleum jelly to tame stray hair strands. Its thick texture, just like any hair gel or paste, makes it a great hair product!
Petroleum jelly works wonders on dry, cracked skin. Apply it liberally on your feet, knees, elbows, or anywhere you feel you could use some extra moisture! Your skin will be thanking you!
33. Heal Minor Cuts and Burns
Accidents happen all the time. Especially while cooking, one can easily suffer minor cuts or burns. Did you know that you can use petroleum jelly to heal them? Well, now you do!
If you want to prevent your baby from getting a diaper rash, you can apply some vaseline after having cleaned and dried the baby’s bottom with a towel.
Make sure you’ll be getting an even tan this year by applying some petroleum jelly before you get to the beach. Dry skin has been found to absorb tanning oils at different rates, which means… uneven tanning!
Remember that ring that won’t come off? Now it can with some help! Use petroleum jelly as a lubricant and easily remove it from your finger.
Just like you don’t like having dry hands or feet, similarly your pet doesn’t enjoy dry paws! You can use some vaseline on them and help them feel much more comfortable!
If you feel your favorite lipstick has lost its shine, you can mix a quantity of lipstick with a little petroleum jelly and apply it on the lips with a lip brush.
We all face this problem from time to time: a stray brow strand here and there that keeps messing up your otherwise perfect look. To prevent this from happening, you can rub a small amount of petroleum jelly in them.
Have a back pain? Petroleum jelly can help you. Just heat it up in the microwave to a nice warm temperature and have someone massage it on your back. You will feel so much better afterwards!
41. Fix A Scratched Screen
Is your LCD screen full of annoying scratches? We’ve got the answer to your problem! Fill the scratch with vaseline and then wipe off the excess and your screen will be as good as new!
If you’re tired of mosquito bites in the summer, you can rub some vaseline on your arms and legs and this will keep them away!
Watermarks on your wooden furniture? Don’t worry, there’s a solution to this problem, too! And-guess what- it involves petroleum jelly! Apply a layer of Vaseline to the stain and wait overnight. Wipe it off the next morning and you’ll be surprised to see the table is as good as new!
Now that you know, we bet you’ll be heading to the store to stock up on vaseline, right?!
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Petroleum jelly, or as it is commonly known, vaseline, was discovered in the early 19th century and it has since been part of our lives since it is an extremely versatile product.
Vaseline can be used for health and beauty purposes, but it can also prove useful in ways you have probably never thought of before.
Below, we have compiled some of those vaseline uses that you would wish you knew before!