Okay, let’s start this off by assuring readers that this really is all fun and games. Many dogs do have a lot of loose skin around their scruffs. What you see being done in these pictures is not painful to them. In fact, I bet a lot of them love it.
And clearly, some of them just love their owners so much, they’re just willing to put up with it.
Okay, now that’s out of the way, let’s talk about how much these good puppers look like stingrays. Or lions. Or cobras! And in some cases, characters from books and movies.
Look at these 40 faces yourselves and decide what they remind you of. Is something more than a doggy face?

1. Slobbersaurus, indeed!
Look at that tongue! And look at him posing so patiently for the camera as dad pulls at his face.

2. Jackson’s mighty roar
I do feel that Jackson looks something like a lion here. I wonder if he has the roar to match the face.
3. Where there is a will
There are times I want to cram a whole treat in my mouth, so I get this. However, I don’t think I could manage that. Which isn’t a bad thing.
4. That’s actually disturbing
And does anyone else get the sense that pupper isn’t too happy? Mom thinks he looks like a chipmunk, but I don’t know.
5. Run! It’s going to get us!
That face is too much. It’s like a cartoon character dog. One that’s about to some sort of trouble.
6. A distinguished gentleman
You know how some old guys become more dignified as they age? Then there are some that just let it hang out, like this old guy.
7. Believe, and it will be
Have you ever had to force yourself to smile. To pretend all is good? And then you remember you have reason to smile.
8. Where’s the pepperoni?
Does that not look like pizza dough? Hmm, pizza. I know what I’m having for lunch now.
Stretch Dogstrong from r/pics
9. Oh, no. No, no, no.
Look at those eyes. So patient with dad’s foolishness. Then you realize this pupper now looks like a cobra ready to strike.
10. What a big smile you have
Clearly this guy is fine with the facial manipulation. Probably looking at his dad and thinking I know you love me whatever I look like, so it’s all good.
11. Yep, hoomans are weird
Why do we get such delight out of doing stuff like this? Is because we know they’ll put up with it and love us anyway?
12. Dear Lord!
Okay, that is a bit scary and a whole lot hilarious. I’m sorry, but this is well into the “it’s so ugly it’s cute” zone.
13. Science fiction
I’m pretty sure I’ve seen this creature in a Sci-Fi movie or TV series. I wonder if the character was based on this guy.
14. Foona-Lagoona Baboona
How well do you know your Dr. Seuss characters? Because this guy is a dead ringer for The Remarkable Foon.
15. Cheeky monkey.
Okay, I think it’s a very cheeky Shiba. But that is one hella cute dog, funny face or not.
16. It arose from the deep
I’m a little afraid of sea creatures. If I was in that water and saw that crest the water I would freak right out.
17. Awww, this poor guy
He lost a lot of weight because he was very sick. Now he was all this loose skin. But he’s better and growing back into it.
18. Are you done yet?
That’s what I see on his face. I know my hooman is having fun with this, but I really wish he would just stop this.

Bored Panda
19. Floatation device
Not the kind you use underwater. The kind that would help you float around in the sky. I seriously think he could fly with those wings.
20. Goldilocks the Bear
Seriously. Am I the only one who thinks the golden retriever looks like a bear with that face?
21. Rocket?
Who here has seen Guardians of the Galaxy. Does this guy not remind you of Rocket Raccoon?
22. Nice ‘stache
Does that not look like a mustache to you? A handlebar mustache?
23. Ouch
Forget the stretchy face. All I can see is that tooth that looks like it’s about to pierce his tongue.
24. Cranky face
Or you have 5 seconds to let go face. She does not look to happy about this treatment.
25. Why? Why do you dot this?
One eye seems to convey a little patience with this insanity. The other? Not so much.
26. Um, wait. Not yet!
I hate camera happy people, don’t you? The least they can do is give a guy a minute to wipe the drool of his chin.
27. Chump. That’s what the face says.
As its owner says, it does nothing to contribute to living in the home. It just let’s the humans stretch it’s face.
28. That cannot be a dog!
If it is, it’s some sort or hybrid cross with some other animal. Like a guinea pig.
29. I think something else is going on here
Is someone we can’t see scratching his tummy? Because that is the face of doggy ecstasy.
30. Bird in flight
Doesn’t it look like a bird sitting on top of his head? His ears are wings.
31. Wearing a hoodie
Seriously. Doesn’t that look like he’s wearing a big hood? And not that happy about it?
32. Could I get a moments peace
I wonder if this is something that happens often? Because he is doing a good job of ignoring the abuse of his cheek.
33. Now that song is in my head
Have you heard the happy dog song? “Look at that happy, happy dog. Just a happy, happy, happy dog.” That’s what this face makes me think of.
34. Glad it’s not me
You know, if humans had this much loose skin around their head and neck, it would be a scary sight. I guess that’s why plastic surgeons are in demand.
35. I hope there is payback
I wonder if these are the dogs that cry all night and keep their owners awake. Or leave a dump inside for them to clean up. I’d say it was justifiable.
36. The horror!
Poor thing. At first glance you might think he has four eyes. Thankfully, that’s his human’s thumb nails.
37. That is a very droopy face
But for a good reason! This just was too fat, and his humans helped him lose 1/3 of his body weight. Now he has lots of loose skin—and a extra droopy face.
38. It’s another cobra!
Except, you know, the eyes. Those are the most beautiful good boi doggy eyes I have ever seen.
39. Yeah, yeah. Haha
Sure it looks a little cool with the glasses on. But I’m not sure I can get of the indignity of this.
40. Vampire stingray
He’s pretty happy about that look he has going on. But all I can see is those teeth.
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