Isn’t nature wonderful? If you spend any time outdoors, you know how plants, flowers, and trees seem to have a mind of their own. You could almost say they have an attitude. Sometimes, that’s good and other times, well, questionable at best.
As these 35 trees show, they’ve decided they’ll do what they want and they don’t care what anyone thinks. Enjoy.
1. Your worst nightmare come true
Just imagine taking a leisurely stroll through the forest when you come across this thing. It’s scary and it knows it.
2. Make a hair appointment ASAP
This tree needs its roots covered badly. All joking aside, the dune this pine tree was growing on eroded during Hurricane Irma. This just goes to show what powerful winds can do.
This tree wants to prove to the world that it can do whatever it wants to do. If that means growing out of a rock, then so be it.
Have you ever had that feeling that someone was watching you? That’s what this tree is doing. It’s watching your every move so be careful.
This is what happens when a stop sign tries to take over a tree’s turf. Man, talk about a bad attitude.
6. That’ll feed like…200 people
Who knew broccoli could grow so big? Okay, it’s not really broccoli but boy, it sure looks like it. But if it were, you’d have to use a chainsaw to cut it down and a massive pot to cook it in. Hey, at least there’d be plenty for everyone, plus seconds.
Whether this tree was chopped down or blown over during a storm, it made up its mind to live. Now, that’s the spirit.
This is what trees with an attitude do…they can’t ever let another tree get one up on them. So, they follow suit. Where’s the originality?
Unlike the trees that feel the need to copy each other, this one prefers to be unique. While it’s kind of strange, we have to give it kudos.
10. Fine, who needs friends anyway?
With nobody to hang out with, this lone tree decided to create a private island. And no one’s allowed to visit unless they know the secret password. Okay, we just made that up.
11. This tree has a mean bite
What did that brick ever do to this tree? We’re not sure we want to know. But just a word of caution — you should probably keep your distance.
Why in the world with a tree want just one trunk when it can have, well, whatever number this is.? Not only does this tree have an attitude but it’s also a little greedy.
With the Old West days long gone, you don’t see cow skulls anymore. Today, they’ve been replaced with tree skulls. If you don’t believe us…here’s proof.
14. Determination at its finest
This tree doesn’t care if it’s in the middle of the desert. That’s the spot it picked so that’s where it’s going to grow.
Why enjoy the beauty of just one tree in the forest when you can enjoy three? This isn’t something you see every day.
Sorry, this tree reminded us of a song. Just three hours earlier, lightning struck it. We have to admit, that’s pretty cool.
17. Independent or defiant
This tree is either independent or defiant. “Chop me down and let me show you what I’ll do. There…take that.”
18. “I’ll grow where I want”
This tree found a spot in the middle of a convenience store in Mexico that it liked. So, that’s where it grew. As a conversation piece, it probably did the store a huge favor. We bet business is booming.
Whatever or whoever made this tree mad better watch out. It’s sending a clear message. But hey, we’ve all felt like that at some point.
Well, there’s one thing for sure. We’re not going to get close enough to find out. That tree could kill us or something.
21. Come here, my darling
You know, experts say trees can feel pain. And from the looks of it, they also feel love. If they’re not careful, we might see some little saplings before long.
Wait, trees don’t wear clothes. This tree might do better living in a nudist colony. Just saying.
It certainly looks like it. Why does a tree have blood instead of, you know, normal gooey sap? This is kind of freaking us out.
24. It drew a line in the…
…swamp. We’re not sure what the disagreement was about but it must’ve been bad. This tree made it clear that no moss was allowed on its side.
With that smirky mouth, okay, we know trees don’t have mouths but just go along with us…it looks quite smug. It thinks it’s the “ruler of the forest.”
If this palm tree had a mouth and could talk, we’re pretty sure it’d stick it’s tongue out and say, “Look what I can do.” No one likes a showoff…except in this case.
27. Is this tree melting?
Something’s seriously off with this tree. The base looks like it’s melting. Maybe this once belonged to the Wicked Witch of the West. We’ll never know.
We think a specific quote about cats applies here. “If it fits…I sits.” Yep, this tree made itself right at home and it doesn’t plan on leaving any time soon — or ever to be more precise.
Get a room for crying out loud. These two lovers could care less who can see their PDA.
If you search for the word “attitude” in the dictionary, this is probably the photo you’ll see. But when a tree is that big, it can have whatever attitude it wants.
31. Sumo tree wrestling…sort of
Hey, when you’ve got talent, you might as well show it off. That’s what these trees must’ve thought. They’re on their best game.
That’s an awesome phenomenon. We have no clue how this happened but when snow fell in a town in Finland, it followed the shadowed outline of this tree. Either this is a prank or a tree with a wicked sense of humor.
Looks like neither the tree nor the bench were willing to budge, so they made a “compromise” of sorts.
34. Look at those long…lush…um, leaves
At first glance, this tree in Hawaii looks as though it has long flowing hair. Who knows, maybe there’s a future for it in some kind of shampoo commercial. Probably not but it still looks amazing.
This tree looks like it has a bunch of snakes emerging from its trunk. It wants to take over the world and by golly, that’s what it’s going to do.
Isn’t nature wonderful? If you spend any time outdoors, you know how plants, flowers, and trees seem to have a mind of their own. You could almost say they have an attitude. Sometimes, that’s good and other times, well, questionable at best.
As these 35 trees show, they’ve decided they’ll do what they want and they don’t care what anyone thinks. Enjoy.