Rose and David Griest had no idea they’d have three young rappers to thank for saving the day when they ran into some trouble back in February of 2019.
The 100-year-old Army veteran was taking his 89-year-old wife to her doctors’ appointment when – during the long trip – she asked him to stop at the nearest gas station so she could use the restroom.
When they came out, Rose had trouble getting herself back into the van. But her husband couldn’t help – he relies on a walker and was also feeling weak.

Good samaritans
Three men in the gas station saw the couple struggle and knew they could lend a hand.
They didn’t want to rush out right away, so they kept an eye on the pair. When it looked like they wouldn’t be able to help themselves, the men rushed out.

Two held up Rose to get her into the vehicle while one assisted her husband in getting back into the driver’s seat via his walker.

A watchful eye
It turns out there was someone else watching the drama unfold as well. As the three tall men in baggy pants rushed over to the car of the elderly couple, Sheriff’s deputy Kanesha Carnegie took notice.

But she didn’t approach. There was no need.
What had originally caught her eye turned out to be a moment of good citizenship that didn’t require her intervention. So she stood back and recorded it instead.
The Levy County Sheriff’s officer from Bronson, Florida, later told Yahoo News that she recognized the men – who happened to be aspiring rappers – “from the neighborhood, and wanted them to have that moment to show who they really are.”
She told MSN:
“I went over to assist them, and when I got there … they kind of had it under control. I thought at the time they looked really beautiful and that was a nice view to see. I stepped back and I just videoed them.”
Saving the day
The young men gently helped get Rose – who was struggling mightily and couldn’t get her feet underneath her – into her seat. That was made more difficult by the couple’s vehicle – a van that required her to climb up almost 12 inches just to propel herself in.
The men simply steadied her at first, but once she stumbled, they realized they would need to pick her up.

And they did so with care and patience.

The three Orlando-based rappers – Joc Koe Stoe, Marty, and Freddy G. – told the local news that they were inside buying snacks when they saw their help was needed.
“I kept thinking, ‘She could have been my grandmother,’” said Marty.
David stood by to make sure his wife was ok before chatting up the men who saved the day.

In the video, David can be heard saying “Thank you so much, fellas. I’m 100 years old.”

The men were shocked.
“You’re 100 years old? That’s a good life,” one of the young men replied.

Carnegie originally uploaded the sweet video to her Facebook page (which is no longer active), it got 5 million views in just a few weeks!
She captioned it by saying “‘MLK’ The dream STILL lives on…”
You can see the sweet video below and commentary from Officer Carnegie below.
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