Acts of Kindness
Police Officer Hears Son's Voice On Radio As He Retires
I could watch this all day <3
Ashley Fike

Reaching retirement is a time to celebrate. You’ve worked long and hard for decades, and now it’s time to relax and take up that hobby you’ve always wanted to try. But, it’s also a sad moment. A big part of your life is changing, and you’re saying goodbye to co-workers that have become more like family.

Salem City Police Sgt. Douglas Hogate Sr. was finishing his last day before retiring. He made his final code 3 over the radio — meaning he was signing off — and began to tear up when he heard who was on the other end.

The day was already an emotional one, Sgt. Hogate Sr. was about to retire after twenty-eight years of service with the police force, and it was nearing the end of his final day. Little did he know — his day was going to much more memorable than he ever anticipated.

“That’ll be Code 3 for the final time,” he said into his radio.

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After his sign-off, a familiar and dear voice came through the radio. It was his son. Douglas Holgate Jr. is a 911 dispatcher, and he had a special message for his dad.

“It is with great pleasure to announce that as of 1800 hours on this date, after 28 years of service, my father, Salem City Police Sgt. Douglas Hogate Sr., Badge #612, is retiring and is giving his final Code 3,” the Hogate Jr. said. “It is my honor as Salem County PST Douglas Hogate Jr. to acknowledge his Code 3 to the greatest man I know. Salem City Police Sgt. Douglas Hogate Sr., Badge #612, you are officially Code 3 at 1800 hours.”

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Sgt. Douglas Holgate Sr. couldn’t help but tear up a bit after hearing his son’s loving and endearing words. It’s obvious that his son truly admires and respects his father. The police force is certainly going to miss having such an amazing man on their team.

The video of this memorable moment was posted on Facebook and the praise for Sgt. Holgate Sr. just continued.

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The touching video below has been viewed over 7.4 million times. Sgt. Holgate Sr. left a mark on his community, and now, on people from across the world.

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