Taking exams is a nerve-wracking part of being a student. After all, passing tests is the only way to make sure you graduate. Your grades can make a huge difference in your future.
So, it’s no wonder that exams can be stressful for any one taking them. Even worse, plenty of students aren’t good at taking tests. Sure, they might know the information but when it’s time to fill in a multiple-choice sheet, they panic.
It’s not hard to see why some students try to cheat on their exams. Even if you’ve never done so yourself, you can probably understand.
Unfortunately, schools don’t take cheating lightly. If you’re lucky, you might get a 0 on the test. If not, you could end up getting kicked out of school.
It makes sense. Tests are a measure of your knowledge. Therefore, d you should never misrepresent that. Can you imagine having surgery done by a medical professional who cheated their way through school?
It’s no wonder that teachers take cheating seriously. Most of the time, they walk up and down the classroom aisles keeping an eye on each student. But every now and then, they get a little bit more creative. While some people might think this is insane, others find it inspiring. And who says teachers don’t want the best for their students…they do, at all costs.
1. Just strip down
When these recruits for the Indian Army had to take a test, their instructors had an interesting idea. They had them strip down to their underwear so they couldn’t hide any notes.
Choose an umbrella, kids. That’s one way to make sure your students keep their heads down and focus on the exam paper. At least everyone gets to choose a pattern.
One school caught some flak for putting “blinders” on their students during a test. Made out of regular cardboard boxes, this is a no-fuss, no-frills solution.
The staff at this school had the same idea. But instead of cardboard boxes, they used regular pieces of paper. It was bad luck for the teacher who had to spend the time making these.
Teachers work hard throughout the day. Who wants to stay up late making anti-cheating devices? Just get a bunch of newspapers and have your students poke their heads through them.
Forget about having a teacher walk up and down the rows of desks. This school in China took its test monitoring into the 21st century by using real-time surveillance.
Teachers use all kinds of head blinders to make sure their students can look only one way: straight ahead. While it might seem strange to some of us, it’s surprisingly common.
If preferred, you can just cut holes in boxes and put them on your students’ heads. It seems a little work-intensive, but hey, it’s your choice. It does have a real Calvin and Hobbes vibe, though.
Technology is everywhere these days, which makes cell phones potential cheating devices. This teacher not only gave the students special headgear but also took their phones. It’s basically impossible to cheat
This teacher went the vintage route with a recreation of some old-fashioned dunce caps. It’s not a very hopeful vibe for the test scores. I’m betting it didn’t inspire too much confidence.
Anti-cheating headgear has been around for longer than you think. But judging by this photo, these hats didn’t work very well. They had to upgrade to a new model during the next exam.
There’s nothing to remind you that you’re living in the future like a pre-exam full-body scan. This student is going through a metal detector to make sure she has nothing out of the ordinary on her person.
When you want to tackle cheating, it’s time for a one-two punch. Move all your students outside and monitor them via a drone. It’ll be a miracle if they can concentrate on their tests.
Most classrooms aren’t large enough to put desks so far apart. So, the staff at one school decided to haul all the desks outside and make the classroom bigger — much bigger.
You could also have your students sit on the ground at a distance of 15 feet apart. Unless someone has x-ray vision, no one’s looking at their neighbor’s paper.
I’m not sure exactly what’s happening here, but I can say one thing. Having a gun near me during an exam would not help me concentrate. Is shooting a student the most effective way to stop cheating?
Students taking China’s national exam are monitored on a live surveillance feed. What’s more, police use wireless signal detectors to make sure no one’s using radios or other cheating devices.
This technique essentially gives students their own tiny “office” in which to take their test. The only problem is it offers just a bit too much privacy. It’s kind of easy to stow some scribbled notes in there.
One school in China was struggling with pervasive cheating. To combat the problem, the staff moved students out of the tiny classrooms and onto the playground. With desks spread far apart, there was no way to peek at someone else’s paper.
Cell phones are an easy way to cheat on an exam. Students have found countless ways to access the internet secretly. One teacher wasn’t messing around and confiscated all the phones before the test.
Imagine taking a test and knowing you’re being watched on a remote video feed the entire time. Don’t even try to cheat. Don’t scratch your backside, either.
Who said you need anything elaborate to keep students’ eyes on their own work? This teacher just provided regular folders and instructed students to stay behind them.
25 of the most unique measures teachers have used to keep students from cheating
Cedric Jackson
Taking exams is a nerve-wracking part of being a student. After all, passing tests is the only way to make sure you graduate. Your grades can make a huge difference in your future.
So, it’s no wonder that exams can be stressful for any one taking them. Even worse, plenty of students aren’t good at taking tests. Sure, they might know the information but when it’s time to fill in a multiple-choice sheet, they panic.
It’s not hard to see why some students try to cheat on their exams. Even if you’ve never done so yourself, you can probably understand.
Unfortunately, schools don’t take cheating lightly. If you’re lucky, you might get a 0 on the test. If not, you could end up getting kicked out of school.
It makes sense. Tests are a measure of your knowledge. Therefore, d you should never misrepresent that. Can you imagine having surgery done by a medical professional who cheated their way through school?
It’s no wonder that teachers take cheating seriously. Most of the time, they walk up and down the classroom aisles keeping an eye on each student. But every now and then, they get a little bit more creative. While some people might think this is insane, others find it inspiring. And who says teachers don’t want the best for their students…they do, at all costs.