When you think of the Marines, you probably think of men in camouflage fighting in the rain or saving civilians from horrible situations. You probably don’t think of them as a drill team. The Marine Corps Silent Drill Platoon is a real thing, and everyone is crazy about it.

If you are not familiar with it, all you have to do is watch them perform live or even watch a video, and you will be amazed and hooked.
The Marines website says,
“The Marine Corps Silent Drill Platoon is a 24-man rifle platoon that performs a unique precision drill exhibition. This highly disciplined platoon exemplifies the professionalism associated with the United States Marine Corps. The Silent Drill Platoon first performed in the Sunset Parades of 1948 and received such an overwhelming response that it soon became a regular part of the parades at Marine Barracks Washington, D.C.”

So what does the Marine Drill Platoon do?
According to the site,
“The Marines execute a series of calculated drill movements and precise handling of their hand-polished, 10-and-one-half pound, M1 Garand rifles with fixed bayonets. The routine concludes with a unique rifle inspection sequence demonstrating elaborate rifle spins and tosses.”

If you think that making the drill platoon is easy, think again.
There are only 24 marines that are a part of it now, and they had to go through a lot to be selected for it. They don’t just get to toss their rifles in the air and get picked. They have to complete a variety of duties. The website says,
“These Marines are individually selected from the Schools of Infantry located in Camp Pendleton, Calif., and Camp Lejeune, N.C., based on interviews conducted by barracks personnel. Once selected, Marines are assigned to Marine Barracks Washington to serve a 2-year ceremonial tour. Beyond their ceremonial duties, the Marines collaterally train in the field as infantrymen. To remain proficient, these Marines hone their infantry skills at Marine Corps Base Quantico, Va., throughout the year.”

Being a member of the Drill Platoon does have some advantages though.
Members get to participate in a variety of performances, and some are even selected to become rifle inspectors. The members must audition and be experienced with the rifles and the drill platoon. Only two are chosen each year. The site adds,
“Experienced members of the Silent Drill Platoon have the opportunity to audition to become rifle inspectors. They must go through inspection tryouts graded by the rifle inspectors of the previous year. Only two Marines per year are selected to become rifle inspectors. They, along with the platoon’s drill master, are entrusted with keeping and passing on the unique knowledge and traditions of the Silent Drill Platoon.”

Even after making the platoon, the marines have to go through some hardcore training.
They don’t have it any easier than other marines. They just add their drill platoon duties to the hard work that they already have to do. Once they have perfected their routines, they start performing all over the world, which is the part that the members enjoy the most.
According to the website,
“Once the year’s Silent Drill Platoon Marines have been selected each fall, they begin their rigorous training at Marine Barracks Washington and later move to Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, Ariz., in order to perfect the routine before beginning a tour of the Corps’ continental installations. Throughout the year, they perform in front of hundreds of thousands of spectators at Marine Barracks Washington and at numerous events across the country and abroad.”

The Marine Corps Silent Drill Platoon recently performed at a Gallatin High School In Nashville Tennessee in front of the student body, along with a large crowd of parents and Nashville residents.
Everyone watched and cheered as the marines tossed their rifles in the air and marched in perfect unison. Many students even claimed that it was the highlight of their school year. No doubt, many were also inspired to become future members of this amazing marine platoon.
Watch the full video of their drill below.
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