It’s rare but every now and then, we come across something that just seems totally bizarre and out of the ordinary. For example, we’re used to avocados with regular-sized pits… But have you ever seen a pitless avocado?
Or maybe you have never seen a person standing next to an exact copy of them. Or three identical dogs.
We recently came across some of the most mind-boggling photos that show all of these crazy things actually do exist. Check them out below and prepare for your mind to be blown.
1. Different families, same clothes

What are the odds of this? These two families didn’t know each other but they ran into each other and quickly realized that they were wearing matching outfits. Pretty magical.
2. Oddvacado

Avocado? More like avocado, ha! Have you ever sliced open this creamy fruit only to find that it had no pit? We’re willing to bet it is a pretty rare occurrence. Also, more avocado creaminess for whoever lucked out with this one.
3. Sock knock offs

It was discovered that Urban Outfitters, at one point, sold a pair of socks that looked just like this man. What makes it even funnier is that this man actually worked at UO. There’s no way this is just a convenience!
4. Crazy tree

Wait… Is it just us, or is the design on this beer can strikingly similar to this tree? Whoever designed the can must have gathered their inspiration from this tree, obviously.
5. Two mangos

Wow, the colors of these two mangos are practically identical! Oh wait, one of the mangos is actually a rainbow-colored parrot… How could you know though, when they look so similar? Pretty crazy!
6. Perspective

“Saw this photo posted here,” a Reddit user shared. “Noticed I have the photo the grandmother took that day (bought at an antique shop years ago in PHX).” What a vintage treasure.
7. Lost?

Ever just go to school and realize the shoes you’re wearing perfectly match the carpet? And then, obviously, you look down at the ground and feel super lost. Woah… where did my feet go…
8. Where the rain ends

Apparently, the rain stopped right there. Walk straight to that line ahead and you will no longer need an umbrella. If only it always worked like that.
9. Blurry tree

The leaves on this tree grow in such a unique way, it almost makes it look blurry. As one Reddit user so cleverly pointed out, “It’s like Animal Crossing, but in real life.”
10. Crazy cloud

What do you see in this cloud? One person said they saw a helicopter while another person said they saw a drumstick with an umbrella. The imagination really is a wild thing!
11. Twins…? Triplets?

So on this bus, there are three identical women sitting next to each other. On top of that, two of the women have matching boyfriends. We are dying to know the relationships here.
12. A glitch

“A rather cute glitch in the Matrix,” this Reddit user hilariously wrote. If you saw this, would you be amazed or scared? We’re thinking a little bit of both.
13. Matching dog, matching blanket

We’re not sure if these people got the dog and then the blanket or vice versa, but either way, this looks pretty amazing. The blanket perfectly matches the dog’s beautiful fur!
14. Perfect shoes

This man wore the perfect pair of shoes for the perfect occasion. The white and black colors match perfectly. Even the lines on his shoes align so well with the floor!
15. The most perfect garden

We’re not sure we have ever seen a more beautiful garden! This is the Dubai Miracle Garden, and it is full of colors, patterns, plants, and… Are those umbrellas? Our minds can’t handle the amazingness!
16. Identical grandpas

“The French gentleman spawn is broken,” this Reddit user joked. These two men look exactly the same. We’re just wondering if they planned the matching outfits.
17. You’re hired

This person visited their favorite hometown spot and their shirt perfectly matched the to-go cup. They must have gotten hired on the spot, because they already have the uniform.
18. Wes Anderson!

“Walked past two guys on a bridge in Paris and thought, ‘Wow, that guy really looks like Wes Anderson,'” this person shared. “Then I saw who was walking with him.”
19. Creepy

“I found my doppelgänger in this painting at a local art exhibit,” this woman shared. “It was titled ‘When I Grow Up,’ which is funny because the first career I ever wanted to be was an astronaut!” How nice!
20. A beautiful moment

Finally, all the digits on this person’s car’s dashboard were showing up in ascending order. Pretty satisfying, if you ask us.
So, are your minds blown?
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