Although many of us probably only produce chicken scratch, we still swoon whenever we see great handwriting. Because most of today’s writing is done on computers, there’s less of a need to master cursive or to work on our penmanship. There’s also not a great chance that the skills of yesterday are going to come back anytime soon.
Fortunately, there are still some people who are dedicated to the craft. Here are 18 examples of some amazing handwriting.
1. These window-handling instructions.

Not only is the writing here perfectly legible, it’s also got quite a bit of personality to it. Not to mention, I’ve always been a sucker for block handwriting as well. Who knew windows could be so interesting?
2. This perfect whiteboard.

Imagine walking into a gym and seeing this handwriting on the whiteboard. I can only speak for myself, but I’m probably leaving $199 lighter.
3. One perfect comma.

Having good writing overall is obviously valuable, but sometimes the devil’s in the details. Sure, it’s just comma—but what a comma it is.
4. Some very stylish poetry.

Though it might look like it came out of the Victorian era, this is much more recent writing from a private journal. In other news, I’m suddenly very self-conscious about my own journals.
5. This ornate Vietnamese script.

Good English handwriting is one thing, but some of the elaborate twists, turns, and accents in this script are something else. I guess practice really does make perfect.
6. These artistic biology notes.

I remember taking notes in Biology and they were nowhere near as detailed and gorgeous as these. Look at the shading! The cross-hatching!
7. This slightly suggestive poem.

All big butt jokes aside, nobody can deny how smooth the curves on those capital letters are.
8. One very special Starbucks cup.

We’re guessing Abby felt like a very special lady after being handed this drink. Also: how many calligraphers also have part-time jobs as baristas?
9. This perfectly sarcastic note.

Whoever left this note was probably not very happy but their loss is our gain. We tip our hats to you, sarcastic old man.
10. A word that says it all.

We dare you to think of the word “blue” now without picturing it just like this. Seriously, try it. You’re picturing it, aren’t you?
11. Some comic-book style notes.

If you thought those notes earlier were amazing, take a closer look at these! How many different colored pens does one person really need to bring to a science class?
12. This quaint shopping list.

If only all of our shopping lists looked this cute and inviting. Blueberry muffins sound especially good right about now.
13. Some old-fashioned pencil print.

Not only are all the letters perfect but there are almost no smudges anywhere. As a lefty, this one is especially inspiring.
14. This well-written frustration.

Journaling is a good way to blow off some steam, especially when the results look as pleasing to the eye as this does. Argh, indeed.
15. This unusually young notetaker.

Sure the writing is impressive but take a look at that line at the top. That’s right, the person who wrote this was only in 8th grade.
16. Some creative cookies.

Writing neatly on paper is one thing, writing neatly with icing on the cookie is another completely. Look at those lines! They even captured the paper perfectly.
17. This graceful cursive.

There’s just something so soothing about good cursive. It’s hard to look away from. Is it weird if it makes me feel like taking a nap?
18. Some writing from a senior.

Perhaps coolest of all is this example of good handwriting at over 100 years old. A special congratulation is in order for that new driver’s license, too!
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