Technology has moved extremely fast. Since the 90s, it seems like technology has had exponential growth and innovation, making it difficult to keep up! If you were born in a decade without technology, it can feel extremely overwhelming to understand all the gadgets, apps, and websites that run our lives today. And sometimes? It’s kinda hilarious to watch them figure it out.
Here are 12 times older people didn’t stand a chance against technology.
Their struggle is actually kind of adorable.
1. Nana shares some of her fave websites

This is amazing. Not to mention an embarrassing reminder of how lazy-ass we’ve all become. Copy and paste that? Sure. Write that out longhand? Not a chance. The sad thing is that after all that work, you can bet the recipient grandchild did not type that URL into a browser address bar to check it out.
2. Please fix this

I was taught to respect my elders, but sometimes it’s very hard not to laugh in their faces. Like this. Someone’s grandmother asked them to fix her phone because the time was always wrong.
3. I completely understand

I’m a techy, and I still get confused by remotes sometimes. Poor granny needed to have hers “grandma-ified” so she could use it. Personally, I think this is a marketable idea!
4. Zoom in

When you’re 90, it’s a little harder to see things. Things like the itty-bitty print on your phone. Thank goodness for old-school tech like magnifying glasses that can make things a little more legible for you.
5. When you just give up

I’ve been there. You try to be patient. You show them again and again what to do, but they just don’t seem to get it. At that point, you quietly give up.
6. Reverse technology

We’re so used to instant gratification. Snap a pic and share it with your friends and family instantly. Granny hasn’t quite caught on though. She snaps a pic, somehow manages to get it printed, and then snail mails it to you. But she looks so proud of herself.
7. A little selfie time

Granny is taking a selfie using a mirror and a front-facing camera. To be fair, I think there are a lot of people that do this, although I’m not sure why. Either way, lookin’ good, gran!
8. This is so cute

So dad can’t figure out how to text on his old flip phone, and I’m not going to find fault with him for that. If you’re old enough to have had a flip phone, you’ll know texting on them is nothing like what we have today. So he writes a note, takes a pic, and then sends an MMS message instead. I’d say dad is a problem solver.
9. Everything moves backward

Grandma was getting frustrated with her computer because for some reason, “everything moves backward.” When a grandchild comes to the rescue, the reason is clear. That upside-down mouse will do it. I’m amazed she was even able to use it that way.
10. When mom is cruel

How is it that older persons get emojis confused? The laughing emojis are clearly laughing, even if they have tears in their eyes.
11. Whee! This is fun!

The delight of a parent when they get their first camera phone. Expect to start getting endless selfies. Don’t believe it? Here’s the perfect example.
12. So polite

A lot of people today neglect to say please and thank you to each other. Imagine learning that your grandmother says please and thank you when doing a Google search. How refreshing.
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