I don’t expect to do that well at a talent show. Just imagining a crowd with their eyes all on me is enough to crank up my social anxiety. I’m probably speaking for everyone here, aren’t I?
But generalizing would be pretty unwise here. There’s a lot of people who are rocksteady and unfazed by crowds and stages – like this kid.

A school talent show isn’t exactly the most extravagant. It’s not like they have the budget for mosh puts, fences, and posters. They just hand us a microphone and say “Good luck”.
11-year old Julian here didn’t need luck, though. He had something a lot better: skill!

The guitar isn’t easy to learn at all. Your first 2 weeks of practice with it are going to be all chords and callouses. Though it’s smooth sailing from there.

But don’t think you can start shredding and playing scales in just a few months. Scales and riffs are a lot more advanced than chords, but Julian has clearly been practicing. “Thunderstruck” is one of AC/DC’s most banging songs, and Julian chose it as his performance song.
He’s got good taste!

Julian channels his inner Angus Young and starts going to town on the strings. Thunderstruck’s iconic riff graces everyone’s ears, and the 11-year old isn’t slowing down for anyone.
Though what surprises me a bit here is that no one in the crowd chants the “Aahaaha ah-aha-ha” part, arguably one of the best parts of the song. Oh well.

“Thunderstruck” is a pretty fitting song title for what Angus Lane helped to write. Lane cooked up the iconic riff as the start of what would become one of their most iconic songs. They tweaked and edited the song for a bit, before dropping it as a lead single. Long story short, it absolutely did leave people’s ears thunderstruck.
Razor’s Edge was a pretty spectacular album, and the lead single only proves that.

I can’t speak for everyone, but I’m sure the older folks love seeing young fans of AC/DC even in this day and age. That’s probably in no small part thanks to Angus Young’s guitar riffs being pretty timeless. I bet every person can hum the bars to most of AC/DC’s songs.

But then there are kids like Julian who take it a step further to actually learn the guitar riffs. Practice makes perfect, and if it means jamming to AC/DC, then the practice is absolutely worth it. Those long weeks of developing callouses and learning the Pentatonic scale definitely paid off.
He may not be Angus, but he’s definitely young.
I hope Julian never stopped playing his guitar since this video. To be this good at 11 is no small feat, and with a few more years of practice, he’d be ready to perform on bigger stages.

Julian’s performance was undoubtedly a highlight to this talent show, and I hope his playing at least convinced his other schoolmates to dig into classic Rock and Roll bands too!
Watch Julian rock out at the talent show below, and don’t forget to share this article!
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