Have you ever seen something so strange, you literally need to rub your eyes to make sure you’re looking at reality? Sometimes your eyes are playing tricks on you and other times…you’re just looking at something really weird.
Here are 11 super strange photos that just can’t be unseen.
We’re so confused.
1) Just Look At It
Now you can’t unsee it. Your nose, it’s always there, and you just ignore it. Talk about observant. Does it make you wonder what else you are ignoring?
2) Hoot Hoot
That’s right, this is a shaved owl, not some prehistoric bird. He doesn’t look quite as wise, does he? It’s amazing what a good cut can do for a person…or fowl.
3) Mirror, Mirror
It’s true. There is no possible way to see your own face unless you’re a ghost looking at your own body or something graphic happens. So, let’s just be glad we can’t see ourselves.
4) I Caught a Spider Rat
This looks disgusting and creepy. But it’s actually just paint before it gets mixed. It’s amazing how we never see this type of thing unless we work at Home Depot.
5) Lend a Hand
Pretty sure that no one in the whole world knows where this hand is coming from. No matter how you look at it, you can’t make it make sense.
6) You Never Know
Show of hands as to who knew where pineapples came from. Did you know that they grew like this and the field looks inconspicuous while they sprout?
7) There’s A Building Under There
This is what the ivy growing up the side of buildings looks like when it’s all torn down. It takes a whole team or construction trucks to move it due to the weight and size.
8) Lunch is a Lie
When you think about it, this isn’t surprising. There needs to be room for the air to escape and the noodles to drop. But it’s still disappointing to see half the noodles you expected.
9) Thank You, Mother
What a good mother that Mother Nature is for slicing our oranges for us. Now if only we could convince her to peel them too. But hey, at least the peel protects them.
10) Empty or Full?
This is one of those illusions that will keep you scratching your head for hours. Is this a full cup of coffee or an empty one? It’s half and half so far.
11) Not Predator
It may look like this thing could swallow you whole and love doing so, but it’s actually just a turtle. Yep, this is what the inside of a turtle’s mouth looks like. Sweet dreams.
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