It takes a lot of work to keep a home in good shape. And if you’re not crossing projects off the list every once in a while, the build-up of tasks can get overwhelming.
With how difficult it is to take care of a home, it’s hard to imagine being elderly and doing it alone. Sadly though, this is the reality for many people across the country who don’t have any help.
One electrician from Woburn, Massachusetts was stunned when he saw the terrible condition of an elderly client’s home. But instead of merely finishing his job and moving on – he had a better idea.

John Kinney runs the company Kinney Electric with his brother Dan.
Back in August, they received a call from a “nice old woman” named Gloria who needed some help with her lights. What they ended up discovering though, is that electrical work was only the beginning.

On Facebook, John explained:
“When I arrived at her house I discovered that the electrical was in very bad shape. Half her lights were out, she had no stove, and her refrigerator was plugged into an extension cord. I fixed her immediate electrical hazards and got her lights and air conditioning on.”

Once the lights were fixed, John took notice of the other issues in Gloria’s home.
There weren’t just a few small problems either. From damaged ceilings to a broken kitchen sink, Gloria’s home was both dangerous and covered in filth. She admitted too that “critters often got in the house.”

According to John, the outside of her home needed tons of work as well.
He saw that the yard was overgrown, the gutters were hanging down, and even the front steps appeared to be “an accident waiting to happen.”

But while there was an incredible amount of repairs needed, Gloria didn’t have a lot of money, nor a family to lend a hand. So, the brothers decided to do something about it.

John and Dan began reaching out to professionals in the community to see if they’d pitch in with their skills.
They also created a fundraiser on Facebook called “Nice old lady needs help” to try and raise money for the many projects. Amazingly, there were tons of people willing to dedicate time and money to help fix the elderly woman’s home.

According to The Uplift, Dan shared:
“We knew that she needed help, it was apparent. But she’s so kindhearted and good-natured that she wouldn’t ever want to impose on anybody and ask for it.”

Volunteers from around the community got to work.
Plumbers tackled the pipe issues, landscapers cleared Gloria’s jungle-like yard, and carpenters worked on her porch steps. Kids helped scrape paint, debris was removed, and Kinney Electric put in a new electrical system.

Numerous people contributed in different ways.
Restaurants donated food to fill the hungry workers’ bellies, and neighbors sent over gifts and supplies to help Gloria. One man even sweetly brought her a coffee maker because of how much she likes coffee!

The amount of time, dedication, and love that’s been put into the project is touching hearts across the internet. Although the team isn’t done with the home just yet – they’re making incredible progress and call themselves “Gloria’s Gladiators.”

Dan shared how appreciative Gloria is about everything.
“She’s just so grateful and she continuously says, ‘There’s just no words for it.'”

It’ll be exciting to see Gloria’s home when they end up finishing. But until then, we can stay updated on their fundraiser page.
Watch the video below to see footage from this heartwarming and inspiring project!
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